Dare 19

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I have to team up with the Pipsqueak?! Fine

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I have to team up with the Pipsqueak?! Fine. I'll do it, but only to prank that stupid flaming pony.

Ed: What?! I'm not joining up with him!

You're coming with me. *Grabs Ed and starts dragging him* Let's just go already. *Changes into Riza wearing a miniskirt and pushes Ed towards Mustang* Go tell him his lieutenant is in danger. *Walks away*

Ed: *glares at Envy and then looks at Mustang* Hey! Mustang! Hawkeye is in trouble!

Roy: What! Where is she?

Ed: *points to where Envy is*

Roy: *runs after Envy* Lieutenant!

*Turns around and smirks* Well, hello Colonel Mustang or maybe I'll just call you Roy boy.

Roy: Fullmetal said you were in trouble...but you seem fine. *Notices the miniskirt and smiles*

You like it? I wore it just for you *winks and twirls around* I was thinking later we can have a later fun *leans in close to Mustang's face*

Roy: Lieutenant? *Smiles a little and holds Envy close* I didn't think I'd ever get to see you in a miniskirt. This is a good day.

*Bursts out laughing and changes back to normal*

Roy: *pushes Envy off* What?!

Ed: *walks over laughing*

We got you! *Laughs harder* You are such a weird worm!

Ed: We were dared to.

Roy: Of course you were *burns Envy and walks away*

Hey! Don't get so upset over a stupid prank! *Grumbles* stupid human.

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