Question 79

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No I haven't

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No I haven't. And I doubt it could be scary -_- but fine. I'll check it out. I just doubt any game could be scary. It takes a lot to scare me.


Wow. Just. How is this supposed to be scary? It looks like something made by a 5 year old.

H: Envy. Don't judge it, just play it.

Fine, fine. Whatever.


This looks so stupid. What am I doing? Seriously. Look at this. And math? Really? What is this stupidity? How is THIS supposed to be scary?!


Ummmm, what? How was I supposed to get that?! What is this?! I don't think this is scary, but...just what?


*Sarcastically* oh nooooo, he's chasing me with a ruler. This is terrifying. This is more terrifying than...H, horror movie

H: Insidious

Insidious! How terrifying! *Rolls eyes* so when is the "scary" part going to happen or are you humans just wimps?


Seriously. This is so not scary.


FUCK YOU!!!! I WAS SO CLOSE!!!!! RAAAAGH!!!!! *Throws chair*

H: Any mess you make, you're cleaning up.

Fuck you!

H: Mhm.




*Calm now* Seriously. That wasn't scary or creepy at all. It was kinda funny and stupid and eventually rage-inducing. It's not scary, it's not creepy, it's just extremely aggravating.

H: Yes "aggravating." You were "aggravated" and not furious. That's why you were screaming your head off.

Shut up! Anyway, I conclude that that was a stupid fucking game and it makes me want to die! Ugh!

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