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That damn Pipsqueak better not say "I love you too, Winry! Let's get married and completely forget Envy cause he's an idiot!"

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That damn Pipsqueak better not say "I love you too, Winry! Let's get married and completely forget Envy cause he's an idiot!" .....you didn't hear that.

*Sighs and changes into Winry* *walks up to Ed* hey Ed!

Ed: Hey Winry. What's up?

Listen, I have to confess something. Sit down.

Ed: Okay. *Takes a seat* What is it? Is it bad?

Yes, I murdered someone.

Ed: You what?! Winry!!!

*Laughs extra cutely* I'm kidding, Ed. I'd never do that. But it is somewhat serious. Listen, *goes to sit on his lap* I just wanted to say, Ed *lightly rubs his chest* that I really really love you. I love you so much and I want to be with you forever.

Ed: *blushes* L-Listen, Winry. I love you too, b-but I also love Envy. I love you though. I love you a lot. *Blushes harder*

Yay! Ed loves me too!

Ed: Of course I do!

Great! I got my answer! *Kisses him quickly* bye! *Gets up and leaves*


*Changes back to normal* Ed loves Winry. Fantastic. There you go.

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