Dare 78

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H: That's so mean!! But I also kinda wanna see it

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H: That's so mean!! But I also kinda wanna see it.

*Smirks* this will be fun! *Changes into Lan Fan with a knife in her chest* *walks off and finds Ling* *stumbles* M-My Lord! *Falls down*

Ling: Lan Fan!! *Rushes over to him* What happened?! *Holds him* Hey! It'll be okay! You can make it through this!

*Breathes heavily* N-No. I-I'm sorry, my Lord. I don't...I don't think I-I'll make it.

Ling: Don't say that!! We have to get you help right now!!

*Smiles weakly* I-I'm happy kn-knowing th-that you're s-s-safe. *Coughs* this is it for me, my Lord.

Ling: Don't give up on me!!! You'll be okay!!! Lan Fan!!!

*Starts to close eyes* You're safe... *Goes limp*

Ling: *crying* LAN FAN!!!!

*Trying not to laugh or smile*


*Back to normal* that took way too long. He was crying for a while. I kind of just never told him it was me. *Laughs* so now he thinks Lan Fan is dead!! *Laughs harder* thank you for that dare!!!

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