Question 74

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Um. I have to pick one?

H: *glares at Envy*

Ed: *looks at him*

...well, I don't wanna kill Ed, I love him so much. But H isn't that bad. She's a bit bitchy, but she can be really awesome even if she refuses to show it. But Ed is the one who's helped me so much and been there to give me comfort. But so has H. And they're both important to me. *Looks between the two* I don't know.

H: Just say me. People prefer Ed and you do too. So just kill me.

I really can't choose. *Looks at H then at Ed* I don't know!!! This is difficult!!! I wouldn't ever want to live without either one! Or have to kill one of them! Not that I'm soft or anything. Hmph. I'm not some mushy worm.

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