Dare 59

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*Smirks* oh this is going to be good

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*Smirks* oh this is going to be good. *Laughs and changes* How do I look? I'd imagine not as handsome as usual since I'm the Pipsqueak's brother, but okay.


*Clears throat and smiles* Brother! It's me! I got my body back!

Ed: Al? Al! *Runs to Envy* that's great! But, how did you get your body back?

I don't know. I just woke up and I had it. I'm glad to be out of that suit.

Ed: I'm so happy! This is great! You finally got your body back!

Oh, did I? *Smirks*

Ed: What? You did...didn't you?

*Laughs and changes back to normal* Ha! Like that tin can will get his body back. It's me, Pipsqueak.

Ed: Envy! That wasn't funny! *Punches him* I really thought that was Alphonse!

Jeez, learn to take a joke, shrimp.

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