Dare 76

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I'm gonna enjoy watching this~

I'm gonna enjoy watching this~

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H: I actually got a dare. And it fucking sucks. Yeah, not happening. I am not having a kid. If I do have a kid, it'll be adoption cause there is no way in hell I am gonna go through 9 months of hell for some kid! *Sighs* I'm not ready to have a kid anyway. I want to actually live my life before I settle down and raise a kid. And "someone" ain't happening. The best part, unlike Envy who "never refuses a dare," I do refuse them. So I'm refusing this one. Thank you for your submission, but I shall not be having a child with ANYONE. Thank you and goodbye. Oh and I will get you back for this somehow. Bye bye!

....that was a lot calmer of a reaction than I expected. But to be honest, she did take time to calm down before hand. *Laughs* this is fun. Let's humiliate H more!

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