Dare 40

181 11 1

Yes! It can be! *Sighs and gets some normal clothes to wear* human

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Yes! It can be! *Sighs and gets some normal clothes to wear* human. Fun. That means *cringes* I have to be nice to other humans! *Gags and walks around town* Human. Human. Human.


*Bumps into a girl* Sorry. *Tries to keep walking but she stops him* *starts talking* *thinks* ugh, why can't this girl just leave me alone? I'm trying to be human! *Sighs and eventually just walks off* weirdo. She just wouldn't stop talking.


*Sitting in a restaurant, poking his steak dinner* eating alone isn't fun... *The same girl from earlier walks over and sits down* *thinks* Not again! What does this stupid girl even want?! *Sighs and starts eating to avoid talking to her*

Girl: Hi.

*Says with a mouth full* hey.


*Walks out of the restaurant, talking to the girl then eventually parts ways with her* Humans talk WAY too much!


*A few days later and actually has a job* *finishes his shift* work. is. EXHAUSTING! WHY DO HUMANS LIVE LIKE THIS?! I'd much rather just murder people!


*Last day as a human* hm. *Thinks back on the week* it's been interesting. There was that girl, that job, and those few worms who weren't so bad. Being human is exhausting and not as fun as being a Homunculus. Still, I guess it's...not...the worst thing...

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