Dare 69

131 8 38

*Glares* damn you

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*Glares* damn you. *Sighs and goes out for a while*


Ed: Has anyone seen Envy?!

H: Yeah. He went out. Said he'd be back soon.

*Walks in and sticks hand in pocket* hey shrimp. *Kisses Ed on the lips quickly* there's something I wanna ask you.

Ed: *blushes* what is it?

*Gets down on one knee and takes out box* *opens it to reveal a beautiful ring* I love you so much. You make me so happy. Will you marry me?

Ed: *gasps* yes!! Yes I will!!

Great! *Hugs him tightly and puts the ring on his finger*

H: *watches* Envy and Ed in love~

Shut up, H. I only did it cause the dare said to!

H: The dare said to ask Ed to marry you. It never said you had to buy a ring or profess your love for him or do it so perfectly and romantically.

......you're dead, H. Whatever. The dare is done. Looks like Pipsqueak and I might be getting married. *Realizes what just happened and blushes a ton* great. Just great.

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