Read Please

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H: Hi. It's me. The person who barely gets on here anymore. Starting off annoying, I know. Anyway! I want to update this book again cause I've missed seeing Envy suffer with unbearable dares and embarrassing questions. However, I don't know which questions and dares I haven't done if any. So please can y'all ask some questions or dare him to do some stuff so I can update? I'm sorry that I don't know which ones haven't been answered/done. Sorry for having to ask. You don't have to. Sorry. But I'd like it if you would.

H: Also! Still not on here 100% of the time and spend most of my time on my other account, but I do occasionally check at least once a day any notifications or messages I get. So I might not always respond right away, but I promise I will. But yeah. I'm still spending most of my time on my other account, but at least I can get on here without having really bad anxiety! Sorry for rambling. I've said what I needed to. Bye.

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