Chapter One: And So It Begins

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A/N: And here is the first real chapter of my story. I probably messed up the grammar/formatting a lot, so please tell me when I did, thanks! 

I don't own PJO or Supernatural, which is probably for the best, lets be real here.



If there was one thing that Sam Winchester noticed when he walked into Stanford, it was the size. It wasn't as if he had never seen a large place before, it was just that usually he knew that he'd leave within the month. He was going to stay here for at least four years. That kind of stability was foreign to him, but it was something that he enjoyed having. It was nice to know that his biggest worries would be test grades, and not being killed by a vampire or something of the like.

The second thing he noticed was how empty it was, although he had gotten there a bit late, he figured that a place this size must be bursting with life at all hours. Instead of that however, he found a campus devoid from life, aside from a pair of girls sitting on the lawn. Sam wasn't quite sure what to think about that. He'd been hoping that he could find someone like him to ask for help, because he had no idea where anything was here, nor did he have the confidence to go up to just anyone. Still, he had no choice, so he steeled himself up to talk to them.

"Umm... hello," Sam started nervously, "Can you tell me where the student resource office is?"

The two stopped their conversation suddenly, and Sam was afraid that he had interrupted something important until they both looked at each other confusedly.

"Oh, sorry, could you repeat that? I didn't hear you," the blonde one said, a slight flush rising to her cheeks.

"Sure," Sam felt a lot more confident now that he knew that these guys were more like him than he could have possibly imagined. "I was just wondering if you could tell me where the Student Resource Office was. I'm new here."

"Of course, actually, we got here like a week ago ourselves, so we feel you man," it was the black-haired teen this time, who was speaking as she and her friend were standing up.

They carried themselves in a way that was familiar to Sam, His father carried himself that way, his brother carried himself that way, heck, if he was being honest with himself, he carried himself that way. But, he had no clue why these two would stand that way. His gut told him that they weren't hunters, but it also told him that they were only dangerous if they observed him as an enemy. They reminded him of himself more and more each second.

"Hello, hello? Mystery boy are you there?" it was the black-haired one, the blonde one's response was to slap her upside the head.

"Yeah, sorry. Thanks for the help," he spoke, then after a moment's hesitation, "the name's Sam by the way."

"Firstly, it's nothing to be sorry for, I do it all the time. Secondly, it's really no big deal, it's not as if Sparky and I had anything better to do anyways," the girl with the black hair once again spoke up.

"Speak for yourself, Kelp Head, I've got a booming social life," the newly dubbed 'Sparky' started. "Now, if you'd just follow me."

They had gone maybe four feet when 'Kelp Head''s voice rang out.

"Did you realize that you were going the wrong way, and just wanted to take longer, or were you too distracted by the hot guy you were showing around," she said with a laugh. "Because honestly, it's funny either way."

'Sparky' blushed, as did Sam. Sam wasn't sure why he blushed, he didn't know his way around a campus, but he suspected that it had something to do with being called "hot", a title that was usually reserved for his brother.

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