Chapter Three: This isn't the Weirdest Thing That's Happened

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A/N: Sorry this took so long! School just started, so between band and homework, it was hard to find time to write. I'll try to be more consistent in the future. 

Disclaimer: My lawyers were unsuccessful, so, I still don't own Percy Jackson or Supernatural. I've also come to the realization that that is for the best.


Dean POV

Dean had known something was the wrong the instant he pulled away from the college, so, the moment he was able to, Dean turned back towards the campus.

It was likely that he sped the whole way there, but, if he was right, someone, or, more likely, something, dangerous was near his Sammy, and he wasn't about to let his little brother get hurt.

Pulling to a stop in front of the dorm, Dean immediately noticed that the smoke he had seen on the way there was coming from this dorm, but really, how could he not? His little brother was in there, and there was a fire, and that meant danger, and Dean took a deep breath to calm himself. Panicking wasn't going to help his brother. But, he knew what would.

Dean burst through the door of the building, not caring enough to stop and think about the possibility of smoke inhalation. Running through the dorm, Dean searched frantically for any sign of where his brother was.

Suddenly he heard a thumping coming from the door next to him. He opened it, hoping to find Sam, but instead finding the black-haired girl who had attacked him yesterday, Percy, he thought her name was, tied to a chair with a gag in her mouth. He quickly worked to untie her, because even if she wasn't Sammy, she was still someone in need, and that meant that he had to help her. He tried to tell her to go outside, but she refused and started towards the room that he had seen Sam and his girlfriend, Dean was pretty sure that she was named Jess, come out of the last time that he had been there. Dean followed, hoping that Sam would be there. Nothing could've prepared him for what happened next.

Dean had heard stories of what had happened to his mother for most of his life, but this was so much worse than he expected. Jessica was pinned to the cieling, blood flowing from an open wound on her stomach, and a shocked, or maybe terrified expression on her face. The fire was coming from her, but she didn't appear to have been burnt by the flames.

Then there was Sam, on the floor as if he had fallen of the bed, staring at the ceiling, at his girlfriend, in shock. Dean felt strangely away from the situation, as if he was watching a movie.

He was pulled back to reality by Percy attempting to pull Sam up and away from the scene. Dean, noticing that she was struggling, to say the least, went to help her. Then, together, they pulled Sam out of the building and into the crowd outside.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Theatre Linebreak Wants Hamilton Tickets~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Percy POV

To say that it wasn't Percy's day would be an understatement. First, she hadn't been able to sleep, which, she would admit was normal. Next, she had to share her cookies. Then, she and Jess had met a something, Percy still wasn't sure what it was, because she had definitely never seen it before, who was using Sam for, something. Percy wasn't sure what it was yet, but she knew it wasn't good. After that, the thing had killed Jess and tied Percy up, before shoving her in a closet. Then, Sam came back, or Percy had assumed it was Sam, she was a bit tied up at that time. After that, the asshat who had broken into her home and drug Sam on a trip to find their father, someone whom Percy had decided not to like the minute she had found out about his being an alcoholic, had found her in the closet and helped her get out. Finally, well, Sam had seen what happened to Jess and the look on his face shattered Percy's heart.

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