Chapter 10: FIIIIIIIIRE! (But, in a Good Way)

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A/N: Finally, the Wendigo ending. This is also the longest chapter yet, and it felt way more satisfying to publish. so I may try and write more every time now. This will, unfortunately, further slow down my updates. Enjoy the chapter!


Dean POV

Following the wendigo's trail was the most nerve-wracking thing that Dean had ever done. Knowing that he was walking towards something that was an expert in hunting and killing scared him more than he would like to admit. He had a job to do though, and the knowledge of that was enough to keep him going. (It had always been.)

"How long until we get there?" Percy asked.

"This is the seventh time you've asked that in the last five minutes Percy."

"I'm anxious and impatient. Can you answer my question?"

You forgot annoying. Dean thought. "No, I can't because I don't know the answer. We're following the trail to wherever it is."

"You should've said that the first time." Percy muttered.

"Would you two shut up and stop fighting? Tommy's still in trouble!" Haley said.

"Sorry." Percy said in the fakest voice that Dean had ever heard. (It might not have been fake, but Dean really distrusted Percy.)

"The trail stops here," Sam's voice rang out.

Dean was going to curse, until he looked forward again.

"Right at the creepy abandoned mine track, of course. Because I actually live in a horror movie." Percy stated, eyeing the mine shaft.

Both Winchesters snickered a bit at that, causing Percy to smirk.

"We need to stay in groups, no one person can go in there alone." Sam stated.

"Who's going to be in the pair?"

Dean spoke up, "It'll be me and Haley." He didn't want to partner with Percy, or leave the youngest person there alone.

Percy rose a single eyebrow, but didn't question his judgement. "We'll go around then, see if there's an entrance. If there is, that's where we'll go. It's best to attack on multiple fronts."

The group blinked at her silently for a moment, unsure of what exactly to say. Didn't Sam say that she was a Marine Biology Major?

"Did you work in the military at some point?" Dean asked. It was the only reasonable explanation that he could think of with his shocked mind.

"I was going to after I graduated. I did go to a military-style camp when I was younger though. Apparently I was a 'troubled kid'."

"Percy you got expelled from 90% of the schools you went to. Including a school for troubled kids." Sam scoffed.

Percy shrugged. "Then I got accepted into Stanford."

Sam laughed.

"Get a room you two."

Sam and Percy turned towards Dean, both looking utterly appalled.

"Dude, my soon-to-be-fiancè just died." Sam said.

"He's not my type," Percy said in perfect unison with the youngest Winchester. Then, "You were going to propose?"

Sam nodded and Percy smiled sadly. "She would have said yes."

Sam returned her smile.

At least she cares. Or pretends too. Dean thought. "Let's do this."

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