Chapter 12: An Update to the Story (Way too Late I'm Afraid)

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AN:Super sorry! You all probably hate me now, but I promise that if I do ever give up this story, I will warn you in an AN or something. (I'm not planning on it by the way.)

 Ok,real quick on the media: it still has exactly zero relevance, but I wanted to comment on it. The first version of this that I ever saw was a Boyf Riends, (Micheal Mell/Jeremy Heere from Be More Chill for those who have no idea what I'm talking about.) but I listen to it all the time. After listening to it a few times, I realized something.  The Bro Duet is absolutely the Jercy theme song. So, listen to it and tell me if you agree. Or don't tell me anything about it, but listen to it anyways because its hilarious and showcases two incredibly talented singers.

Now, onto the actual story things. HOPEFULLY, I'll be able to update a bit more frequently. I can't promise that though, because I'm still a procrastinating piece of garbage who can't concentrate to save her life. I refuse to publish an author's note without a chapter, (Besides that one at the very beginning, and even then, I published a chapter on the same day.) but can't keep a consistent update schedule. Please understand and accept my sincerest apologies. I'm doing my best, but my best really isn't that great, so you'll continue to get really spread out chapters with terrible writing! (But amazing media. Really, its not relevant but its awesome.) 

This paragraph was written a little while after the first two, and will hopefully further explain my absence. My family has had 2 health scares in the span of 2 months. First, my grandfather, who has a very weak heart had a heat attack (while I was at his house, btw. I stayed there for a few weeks, and couldn't write anything.) Then, my great grandma (who, if you can't tell is very old, so any health scares are very scary.) fell down the stairs and broke her neck. Both are alive, and doing much better, but them getting hurt kind of put a damper on my creativity.

Also: Season 13 can only be described in this: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not even the plot really, since its just SPN + Percy.



The station was tiny, not that Sam Winchester was expecting much else. The nice thing about the size was that it didn't take long for the sheriff to come to the front. The two hunters, as well as Percy, flashed their "badges".

"Now what does the Federal Wildlife Services care about a few accidental drownings?" Jake Wexler, the sheriff, asked.

"You so sure they're accidental?" Dean asked raising an eyebrow. "Will Carlton saw something grab his sister."

"Like what?" the sheriff started to walk back towards his office. "Here sit please sit." Jake said, moving to stand behind his desk . "There are no indigenous carnivorous creatures in that lake." The three false agents tooka seat. "Even if there was, there's nothing big enough to drag a human down. Unless it was the Loch Ness Monster."

"Yeah." Dean chuckles.

"Right." Sam nervously laughs.

The trio glanced at each other.

"Look, Will Carlton was traumatized, and sometimes the mind plays tricks." Sheriff Wexler said. "Not to mention, we dragged that entire lake, used sonar scan just to be sure. There's nothing there. "

Percy interrupted. "That doesn't seem weird to you? The bodies just, disappearing? That's not normal."

"You think I don't know that?!" the sheriff exploded. Then he took a breath, and sat. "Look, these are my friends, my family, going missing. People I care about."

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