Chapter 4: Research and Migranes

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A/N: I apologize for the boring chapter title, but I had no idea what to call this chapter. Anyways....*cough* LOOK! A wild disclaimer!

Disclaimer: I still don't own either Supernatural or Percy Jackson. You may now thank the gods above for this.


Dean POV

Dean was upset. He hadn't even wanted Sam's friend to come with them, and now she was going to be a part of this search. It pissed him off. Not to mention the fact that she didn't seem upset about what happened to "her best friend", and the fact that she was hiding something, none of it left a good feeling in his stomach.

"So, how do you know about all of this anyways? It's not exactly a, common, hobby." Percy's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Why do you care?" Dean was a bit harsh, and he knew it, but he also didn't care. Percy shouldn't have even been there, and he wasn't going to pretend that she was welcome.

"I care because I'm going to be with you two for a while and I'd like to know just what in Hades' name I'm getting myself into." Percy's answer came approximately two seconds later, and sounded annoyed.

"We're hunters." Dean answered, just as quickly, with the same mistrust in his voice.

"Oh, yeah thanks that totally clears up everything, 'cause I totally already knew what hunters were." Percy was annoyingly sarcastic, Dean decided.

"We find this stuff, you know vampires and demigods and the like and we kill it." Dean answered.

"Really? What if they haven't done anything yet?"

"We have yet to find one like that."

Percy rolled her eyes. "Alright, whatever you say."

Dean just went back to driving.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This Timeskip is Still Upset Over Sherlock~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Percy POV

Percy was nervous, which was understandable, considering her current situation. Not the researching yellow-eyed demons thing, which was largely boring. It was who she was researching this for. The Winchesters, hunters who killed things like demigods. Which she was. Persis Jackson had somehow gotten herself entangled in yet another life-threatening situation, except this time, it was mortals, not monsters, giants, or gods. Percy could fight mortals, of course, but that was messy, mortals had feelings, and faces, and names, and lives. Monsters whole lives were dedicated to killing demigods. Percy just wanted to leave. But she couldn't, because she had a mission. For now, she'd have to be careful.

Once again the young (or old, considering that she'd already outlived the average demigod lifespan) woman sighed and erased her results "Yellow-Eyes" gave her nothing useful, nor did "demons with yellow eyes". She contemplated giving up, but ended up choosing not too. Mainly because there was literally nothing else to do. She tried the search "yellow-eyed demon" hoping that it would get her results and when it didn't she changed it too "yellow-eyed demon fire".

"Yes!" Percy shouted, jumping back and causing the chair to fall. "Ouch." She quickly sat up and fixed the chair. "Okay, let's get down to business." (A/N: To defeat the HUNS!) Percy proceeded to spend the next half-hour clicking on links and reading websites before she stopped. She was getting a massive headache from trying to read everything, her dyslexia was awful, and she was bored.

It took thirty minutes for the Winchesters to get back to the hotel, thirty minutes of watching the T.V. and being bored out of her mind for the brothers to get back.

"So, what did you find?" Sam asked as he and his brother walked through the door.

Percy jumped out of the bed and indicated for the brothers to follow her. "I narrowed it down to this website. It has a list of demons that match the description of the oh-so-mysterious and on my hit-list-"

"Hit-list?" Dean interrupted.

"It was a joke, sweetie, no need to go into "protective-brother" mode."

"Don't call me sweetie." Dean replied.

"Anyways, Percy, what did you find?"

"Right. As I was saying this website has a complete list of demons that match Yellow-Eye's description. Now that my pounding headache is mostly gone, I should be able to narrow it down to just a few candidates. Then BAM! We've got us a demon name. Now if you'll excuse me." Percy waved them off and clicked on the first name. "Alright Azazel, let's figure this out."


Clearly Dean was still extremely suspicious of Percy. He hadn't stopped glancing up at Percy since they started discussing what they had learned.

"So, we know its corporeal, which eliminates quite a bit." Dean said, "Maybe a Black Dog?"

Sam shook his head. "I don't think so. Can we watch the video again?"

"We'd need the computer."

Percy stood up. "That's my cue. You can use this for now. I'm going to go for an awesome walk."

Percy grabbed her jacket and walked out the door.

"I don't trust her," Dean commented.

"So you've said. Several times." Sam responded, rolling his eyes and pulling up the video.

"I'm serious. She's hiding something." Dean retorted,

"Whatever. Look at this."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This Linebreak is Linebroken~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~

Percy POV

Percy was invariably glad for the break, for a number of reasons. Firstly, the work was ridiculously boring. Really, she was just reading about a series of demons in the most boring way possible. She'd have to get Sam to look into it. He was into that kind of thing. Secondly, as stated before, being with the Winchesters kind of made her nervous. She really didn't want to die. Lastly, she could feel the tension in the air whenever Dean was in the room with her. It was uncomfortable, and she wanted to be in that situation as little as possible. So here she was walking.

Overall, she walked for about thirty minutes, fifteen of those minutes being dedicated to finding her way back to the motel. When she walked in the boys were still trying to figure out the whole "monster that's tearing people apart in the woods" situation.

"So we know it's not a ghost or anything like that. It's not a black dog or a demon,"Dean stated.

"Right right,"Sam sounded a bit distracted, likely because he was reading what looked like a journal.

"Maybe we should try to talk to that guy. What was his name?"

"Shaw" Sam answered, looking up from the journal. "Why should we talk to him?"

"More info. means a faster solving of a case, more time to find Dad."

"Alright. We'll interview him" Sam said, setting down the journal.

"I'm coming with you." Percy said.

"No you're not." Dean responded giving her a glare.

"Yes I am. I get not going out on hunts. But this isn't a hunt."

"You've never done this before." Dean said, standing up.

"There's a first time for everything I suppose." With that, Percy walked out the door.

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