Chapter 8: Things Happen and the Author Apologizes

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A/N: So.... I haven't updated in a super long time, and this chapter's really short, and I'm sorry for that, but I have some reasons. 

Firstly, I'm still working out how to write through the episodes well, which is giving me quite a bit of trouble. Not to mention trying to get the characters right. (I haven't been writing with the intention of having people read it for very long, so I'm kind of an amateur. (Honestly, I haven't been plain writing for very long either.)

Secondly, I've been feeling kind of burned out lately, and school was getting to be a bit much, so I was having trouble writing on top of it. I've just been super tired all the time lately, so it was a struggle to come up with a good way to write things. (Just look at that sentence.) 

Lastly, I found out that one of my friends was having issues with depression and suicidal thoughts, and I felt awful because there was nothing that I could really do about it, as she lives far enough away that I needed a phone to reach her, and mine stopped working.

So yeah. That's everything, and winter break's coming up, so I'll be able to get back to a better head space, and hopefully be able to get a phone, or find another way to effectively communicate with my friend. (If you're reading this, I really want you to know that I really care about you.)

Anyways, here's the new chapter -- Enjoy! 

(Edit Like A Week After Posting This: I forgot To Add a Disclaimer So...) Disclaimer: Two things I do own: My Cats. Two things I don't own: PJO & Supernatural.



Somehow, Sam had expected the scene to be less gruesome. He knew that he hadn't hunted in a while, and that he hadn't really seen where it had happened the last time, but somehow, he had remembered less blood.

"If these things eat people then how could Tommy be alive?" Haley asked Dean, shaking Sam out of his thoughts.

"Wendigos are found in quite a few Native American mythologies, and they have some differences, as expected, but all have one things in common. A group gets lost in the woods in the middle of winter, and one ends up eating the others to survive." Dean seemed to notice that Haley wasn't looking any better. "Anyways, due to this wendigos store and save their food, they only eat a bit at a time. You said Tommy had others with him?"

"Yeah." replied the girl.

"Then he's probably fine." Dean said.


Dean began drawing the protective symbols on the ground while the group sat in silence and Percy continued to build and maintain a small campfire.

Sam meanwhile, was just doing his best to not think of Jess, or the strange, and rather terrifying dreams that he'd been having for months now.

Dean POV

"Hey, so what exactly are those for again?" Haley asked, leaning over and looking over Dean's shoulder.

"They're Anasazi protection symbols. They'll keep the wendigo out."

"Oh, so your dirt drawings are gonna keep us safe now?" It was Roy.

Dean had to resist the urge to strangle the man, who had done nothing but assume that he was better than everyone since the group had met him. Instead he'd have to settle for shooting him petty insults.

"Roy, there are a lot of things out there that you don't understand," Percy said, turning to Roy and raising an eyebrow. "So, I suggest you stick to what you know, aka navigating out here, and let the experts take care of the wendigo, alright?"

Roy just glared at her, as did Dean, though they glared for different reasons. (At least Dean assumed that it was for different reasons. He wasn't a mind-reader.) Honestly, who did Percy think she was? She knew about as much about wendigos as Roy did, yet she was acting as if she knew all about them. Besides, Dean was supposed to be the one who was insulting Roy, or at the very least, annoying him.

Dean was pulled quite violently from his musings by a voice calling for help.

"Tommy?" Haley cried.

The call came again.

"That's Tommy. He needs our help."

Percy POV

Percy was having trouble dealing with her life. Firstly, she had gone to school to get away from the mess that had become her life. More importantly, she had gone to California because it was as far from New York as she could get. There were too many memories there. (Honestly, the only reason she had agreed to be so close to New Rome was because Jess had insisted, and Percy could never say no to her.) She had gone to school, completely forgetting that she wasn't the kind of person who could deal with that very well. But she was managing.

Then, Jess had died, and that was just another person that Percy knew that was gone now, and Percy had no reason to stay in California anymore so she left, and went with Sam because he was the only person she had left and she needed someone, and he was it, but she couldn't get the support she needed because Sam needed support more.

After that, Percy had been thrown into a life that she knew nothing about, and suddenly she was twelve again, except this time she had no mother to make it all worth it.

And now, she was stuck in a camp, (She really was twelve again.) listening to this creature pretending to be the Collinses' hurt brother, and Percy couldn't stand this.

"That's not your brother Haley." Dean said, pulling his gun up to his shoulder. "The wendigo is pretending to be him, trying to lure us out. We need to stay here."

Roy scoffed. "You don't really believe this, do you? I'm going out there."

Sam and Dean called after him half-heartedly, while Percy chased after him. She may not of liked the guy, but she didn't want him dead. He probably had a family, someone who cared about him.

The Winchesters called after her too, until a shot rang out. At that point, with a rushed "Stay right here," to the Collinses, they followed after Percy.

They got to Roy just in time to see him get pulled into a tree by an unseen force above him. Dread filled Percy's whole body as she realized, it was the wendigo.

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