Chapter 19: The Sheriff is a Killer - What a Surprise

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A/N: Hello everyone! Firstly, I got tagged recently, but didn't want to interrupt this story with that, so I made a sperate book for it called "Tags!" if you want to see that, then take a look at that book. :) 

Secondly, I'm going to start (trying to) make each chapter one episode. I'll leave this up as is for a time, but eventually will be going back to combine what I have now. Now, this likely means that each chapter will be ridiculously long, as currently each chapter is a minimum of 1,000 words and it is only part of an episode. We'll see though. 

Anyways, thank you all for reading! Enjoy this epic conclusion to Dead in the Water! 

Disclaimer: I don't own either property - if I did there would be some major quality differences. 



Sam didn't know why they were still in town - the problem was solved after all, there was no one else that Peter would want to lash out at, He also didn't know how Percy had known that his bike would be here - and he was beginning to get suspicious. This wasn't the first time Percy had done something like this - but back at Stanford he had been able to brush it aside. Now that he was hunting again, some part of him was desperate to figure out what she was and take her down. This was especially frustrating because he knew that she would never hurt anyone without an immediate cause, because he had tried so hard to get rid of the instincts that had been trained into him for as long as he could remember, and because of the fact that the gun currently pointed at his brother's head - the one wielded by Sheriff Jake Devins - was probably a bigger issue to be thinking about right now.

"Put the gun down, Jake." Sam didn't realize who had said that until the gun swiveled towards himself.

"How did you know that was there?"

Percy looked up at him from where she was frozen on the ground. "Oh no, I think its us who should be asking the questions. DId you think that you could just get away with killing Peter by sinking his body and burying his bike? You can't bury the truth Peter, nothing stays buried!"

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about."

"So you won't mind me going to tell Andrea and Lucas then?"

A gun cocked and pointed at Percy's head, "Try and I'll blow your brains out."

"Dad?" Andrea had appeared, likely summoned by the sounds of either Percy's shouting or the gun cocking. "What's going on? Did you really kill someone?"

The sheriff refused to meet her eyes.

"Oh my God."

"Billy and I were at a lake. Peter was always the smallest one." Percy interrupted him with a growl - from the stories that Percy had told, she had never been the biggest. He figured that she saw herself in this story a bit too much for comfort.

"We always bullied him, but this time, it got rough. We were holding his head down underwater. We didn't mean to, but when we let go of his body it sank."

Andrea took a shaky breath as Sam and Dean exchanged a look. (It was the I can't believe this guy is trying to justify murder look that the two of them shared more than zero (which was too often.)

"Andrea, we were kids. We were so scared, and didn't know what to do."

"Save it!" Percy growled out with more viciousness than Sam had ever heard the girl use before. "I've heard this before - and it was just as bullshit then.

How the hell had Percy heard anything even semi-similar to that before? What has she not told me?

Andrea looked away from the scene to see Lucas walking towards the lake. As she starts to take off towards him, she calls out, getting the attention of everyone in the clearing, who quickly follow her towards the lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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