Chapter Two: This is the Opposite of a Good Thing

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A/N: Sorry that my Media has no relevance to my story, but I feel really uncomfortable not having any media, and I have trouble finding truly relevant stuff, so I just put songs that I think are good. There is actually no need to listen to any of the media that I add.

Disclaimer: My team of elite lawyers are discussing switching the ownership of Percy Jackson and Supernatural to mwah. For now though, I don't own either.



Sam was still trying to comprehend why Dean was unable to understand that he had trouble associating their father with family. It was perfectly clear to him, he, Sam that is, wanted to do something with his life that wasn't hunting, their dad told him that he could never come back if he followed his dreams. That wasn't something that family did to one another. Really, the only reason that he had agreed to do this in the first place was that he still felt that Dean was his family.

"So, you're really leaving then?" A voice asked causing Sam to nearly jump out of his skin. When he turned to look he saw that it was Percy, who, for a reason he had yet to figure out what was going on these types of situations.

"Um, yeah," was his response.

"Alright, whatever. Just tell Jess, okay? I don't want her to freak out," with that, Percy turned on her heel and walked out.

Sam quickly finished packing and left the room to try and find the wonderful Jessica Grace.

"Hey Jess," Sam whispered hugging his girlfriend from behind. "I've got something to tell you."

"Let me guess; you're going to go and try to find your dad." Jess replied, turning her head up to see her much taller boyfriend.

"How do you do it?" Sam laughed.

"I felt your bag and came to conclusions."

"Of course you did."

Suddenly Jessica stiffened and turned to him, "Is your dad going to alright? Your brother said something about a hunting trip."

"Yeah, he'll be fine, he's just up at the deer cabin. He's probably got a Jim, Jack, and Josè with him. Dean just gets worried sometimes."

"Alright, and you'll be back by Monday right? You can't miss your interview."

"Yes Jess,"

"Good, 'cause if you're not, you'll be in a lot of trouble."

"I know Jess." Sometimes, Sam wondered how in the world Jess had managed to end up as such a stickler for the rules, not that he could really talk.

"Okay. Well, be careful alright. I love you,"

"Love you too."

After that came a quick "Bye. Be careful," from Percy, and a long-winded good-bye from Jess, Sam left.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Poor Linebreak needs Money ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/N: The stuff that I wrote in Percy's POV aka this next tiny part takes place during the times that Sam and Dean are outside.)

Percy POV

Percy knew that there was something off about Sam Winchester from the moment she and Jessica had first met him. All of her finely tuned demigod "There's danger here!" instincts had told her as much. But she had put it aside and showed him around, and after a month, all had been well. She was still ready to defend herself if necessary, but she was no longer always on guard.

That was, until she met his brother. If Sam was dangerous, then his brother was exponentially more so. Some of that had to be attributed to the fact that her first impression of him was as the person who broke into her dorm, but that wasn't all of it.

Not to mention the stress that Dean had put on the fact that their dad had went missing on a hunting trip, and the unshakable feeling that Sam wouldn't have left if not for that. Everything about her current situation was distinctly off.

That's why, the moment that the Winchester Bros., the brothers' new and eternal nickname, left the building Percy approached Jess about her concerns.

"Jess, something's off here," Percy started the conversation.

"No? Really? I'd never of guessed." Jessica replied, earning an eye roll from Percy.

"No need to be sarcastic about it," Percy replied.

"You're saying that?"

"Yes, I am. Because, this is something that I actually want to figure out before one of us gets hurt."

"Okay, okay. Well-"

Jessica was cut off by the sound of a timer going off.

"Ohh, that's right, I made cookies!" Percy gasped. She had always been a fan of baked goods, and the smell had always helped her calm down. Now that she knew how to bake herself, she found herself baking whenever she couldn't sleep. In other words, every night.

"Perce, sweetie, why did you bake cookies? It's the middle of the night. Besides, we have plenty of them."

"I couldn't sleep, and baking helps me calm down." Percy replied, making her way into the kitchen.

"You know, what, we can finish this conversation later. I've got some stuff to do, alright?"

"Yeah. But we have to talk later."

"I know."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (::) (::) Blue cookies for all! (::) (::) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(A/N: So, I didn't re-write this whole episode, because it would be largely the same. So this is after Dean drops Sam off at Stanford again.)

Sam POV:

Sam couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He had no clue what it was, and was largely chalking it up to the fact that the search for his father had gone so horribly wrong. He had almost died and John Winchester was still nowhere to be found.

Taking a deep breath, Sam unlocked his door and walked into the silent apartment. Moving silently into the kitchen as not to wake anyone, (Particularly Percy, because Sam was pretty sure that Jess could sleep through a hurricane.) Sam noticed a plate of cookies on the counter, along with a note. He grabbed the plate and read the note as he walked to his bedroom.

So, technically Perce baked the cookies, but she wanted to eat them all, so this is still my gift to you! ~Love Jess

Sam smiled and flopped down on his empty bed, closing his eyes. He was ready to fall asleep right then and there, he had been driving all night, and hadn't gotten enough sleep at all that weekend. He was drifting off when he felt a drip on his forehead. He wiped his forehead off, and then was startled to see that it was blood.

Sam bolted up with his eyes open as they adjusted to the lack of lighting in his and Jess's bedroom. Slowly, hesitantly, he turned his head towards the ceiling, knowing that nothing good could come from blood dripping from, well, anywhere really.

His eyes widened and he was filled with a mixture of shock and anger and sadness and guilt. Pinned to the ceiling was his wonderful girlfriend Jessica Grace, dead. Killed it appeared, by a stab wound to the stomach, but there was no way to know for sure. Whatever did this to her was clearly not human.

Then, before Sam got the chance to scream, the love of his life burst into flames.

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