Chapter 14: The Author is Still Useless and Trying her Best

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A/N: First and foremost: Major thank you to everyone who gave me motivation tips. They did help,  even if my update schedule isn't reflecting that. Those meant a lot to me because motivation is something that I've always struggled with, even when I'm enjoying the thing that I'm unmotivated to do. It sucks. Anyways, major thank you to everyone who gave me tips!

Also: When going through this, I'm realizing that a lot of the characters are majorly out of character, and some episodes I've gotten completely wrong, which drains the motivation a little bit. However, I'm still going to continue this, don't worry. I'll go back and fix everything once I've completed it!

Not as much has been happening in my life to slow this update, school, confirmation (I don't even know that I want to go through with that, but I know that I don't want to disappoint my family, so I'm getting confirmed.) the usual 15 year-old stuff. But, I'm back now, for a short time, updating this story before disappearing the void that is being an average teenager in an average place. 



Looking at Percy, Sam knew that she wasn't nearly as okay as she had pretended to be. She had, for as long as he had known her had something off in terms of mental health. She had waved him off, explaining it as depression, anxiety and some PTSD issues that she had gone to therapy for enough time to sort out. He didn't know enough about psychology and such to dispute that. Besides, she had seemed to get better over the time that she had been at Stanford, Sure, the insomnia had remained, and he'd wake up due to her screaming in her sleep once in a blue moon, but still, it had gotten better.

Now though, it seemed like everything was back to where it had started. Percy was lying on a bed, staring at nothing. He had walked in on that once or twice, coming back from parties or late night study sessions. It was eerie everytime. The biggest difference was that then, she had made an attempt to hide it, only letting herself slip onto that when no one else was around. Percy didn't care anymore, something that was only made more clear when she started crying. It was a nearly silent cry, the only sound coming from the deep inhaled as she sobbed. If he was going to be honest with himself, that only made Sam worry more. He was relieved when Percy eventually fell asleep.

"Sam, is she okay?" Dean asked, before shaking his head. "I mean, clearly not, but..." he shook his head. "Nevermind."

Sam was, to be perfectly honest, shocked. Dean hated Percy, but here he was, asking if she was ok. "No, no. She gets like this sometimes. I mean, it's not been this bad before, but she's always gotten better. Why do you care anyways, I thought you hated her?"

"I don't hate her. I just don't trust her." Dean grumbled. "And besides that, what kind of a person doesn't react to-" Dean motioned to Percy "-that?"

Sam nodded, sending a glance towards his sleeping friend.

Dean POV

Dean really was worried about Percy. He wasn't sure where it had come from. He had spent the time since he had met being distrustful of her, and if he was at all thinking in his usual state, this would only compound that. What could possibly have caused this? Sure, there would have been some empathy, concern, but it would have been overshadowed by his distrust. Instead, the suspicion had taken a definite backseat to the worry that he now felt.

"So, do you have any clue what caused this?" Dean asked. "Like what kind of stuff she's seen?"

"No." Sam answered. "I really don't. She's mentioned friends that died, and I know she went to therapy while she could afford it. Jess has also mentioned some things, she and Percy getting abducted, Percy and her girlfriend going through something pretty intense. To be honest with you, it's all pretty vague."

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