Chapter 9: We're Off Too Kill The Wendigo! (Plus Author Things)

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A/N: How have my lovely readers been?  Good I hope, especially considering that its been awhile since my last update. I have a few, not very good explanations for this: 1. Writer's Block is a terrible thing and I've been hit hard by it. 2. I realized that I had gotten some crucial episode points wrong and felt pretty bad about that. 3. High School. That's all I'm going to say. 4. I'm the kind of person who writes something as soon as the get an idea for it, and I've been writing other stuff. (Two of which I've published here! Check out the tag #alpacawrotethis to see them.)

Anyways, I've been a terrible horrible author, and I hope you accept my apologies, and know that this'll likely happen a lot. If you have any tips for writing more, let me know because I'd love to do that. (Also,the music in the media isn't relevant , but amazing, as per usual.) Check out the author's note at the bottom for an "announcement"!

Disclaimer: I don't own either of these, if I did, their release dates would be on Sherlock levels of hiatus.



Sam wasn't sure why he agreed to this. Once he realized that Dad wasn't there he should have left to continue the search. He needed to find Yellow Eyes and get his revenge, not go on some random hunt because his dad wanted him to do. This was a waste of time.

There was of course a small voice that was telling him that there was nothing wrong with helping people, a voice that in fact, was telling him that helping people was the part that made everything that hunters lost worth it. But it was far too easy to completely ignore that part of him in favor of his ever growing longing -need, really- for revenge.

And now, instead of finding, hunting, killing the demon that had caused Jess's death, he was in the middle of nowhere, babysitting some random kids, and packing to go kill Wendigo #32. Suffice to say, Sam really wasn't sure why he agreed to this.

"Percy, you need to stay back, you don't know how to deal with wendigos yet." Sam said, hoping that one thing could go right with this.

"First of all, it's more dangerous for me to stay here, in the middle of an unfamiliar woods, alone than for me to go with a group, even if said group is hunting a wendigo. Second, the best way for me to learn in the field. I'm a kinesthetic learner."

"She right Sam. Besides, we need backup." Dean said, coming up behind. "Even if it's from an amatuer."

Percy glared at Dean. "An amatuer who can kick your ass."

Dean glared at her, "You caught me by surprise."


"Whatever," Sam watched as Dean stalked away.

"You need to be bit nicer to him Perce," Sam said turning to the girl who was grabbing her flare gun.

"I need to be nicer to him?" Percy asked turning and raising an eyebrow. "Tell him that he needs to stop being so condescending."

"He's right." Sam said, "You haven't been trained."

"Just because I was trained differently than you, it doesn't mean that I wasn't trained."

"You still weren't trained properly Percy."

"I know how to defend myself Sam."

"Look, I don't doubt that, when you're facing a normal person, but against this kind of stuff? That requires hunter training Percy. I just don't want you hurt," Sam said, looking at the shorter girl.

"That's nice of you Sam, but I don't think that your brother is in the same boat."

"Just try okay?"

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