Chapter 7: Into the Woods We Go

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A/N: What is this? A new chapter? NO! IT can't be! But it is. The author actually managed to get their act together and post another chapter. 

Seriously though, I'm sorry that this chapter took so long to post, but with the writer's block, and overload of school work, I just haven't been able to write recently. Please forgive me because it's been.... a really long time. (Nearly a month!)

Side Note: Seriously, I can't get over the fact that people are reading this, and genuinely enjoying it. (Or, at the very least pretending to enjoy it.) Thank you so, so , so much for the support and reads!

Disclaimer: I don't own these/Works And I Swear That this is/My Own Disclaimer 



"You can't be serious." Sam said, turning to Dean.

"I'm with Sam, we can't let some kid out there." Percy said, leaning forward.

"We're letting you out there." Dean replied, raising an eyebrow at Percy in the rearview mirror.

"I can handle myself." Percy replied.

Sam turned back to look at her. "Since when?" Sam really didn't know. He hadn't seen Percy do anything of the wendigo hunting nature.

"I guess we've both got secrets Sam. Anyways, I highly doubt that whatshername-"

"-Haley." Dean interrupted.

"I highly doubt that Haley really knows what she's doing."

Dean sighed. "Look, her brother's missing, she's going to come with us, one way or another."

Sam glared at his brother. "Fine."

Percy seemed less willing to let it drop. "Are you 100% certain that nothing we could say could convince her to just, not come?"


Percy groaned.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm Pretty Sure This is a Timeskip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Percy POV

Percy didn't like Roy. He was an arrogant ass and clearly thought that he was better than them because he had hunted some big, bad bears. Percy hated people like that. Not to mention that none of the people that were with them seemed to believe the "rangers" story. And, one of the people out here looking for this ultra-dangerous creature was no older than twelve. It pissed Percy off, to say the least.

It reminded her too much of when she had been around that age, thrown into the world of danger and quests. She didn't want to see another kid drug into that, even if this wasn't the same exact thing.

"Hey, you okay?" It was Sam.

"Yeah. It's just bad enough bring Haley out here, much less her little brother." Percy replied. "I just don't want anyone else getting hurt."

"Hey, I get that Perce, but we don't have much of a choice now." Sam responded.

"Yeah, I know, doesn't mean that I have to like it though." Percy said, glaring at the back of Dean's head.

Sam laughed, "I guess not."

Dean POV

Dean's conversation with Haley didn't go quite as he had planned. He hadn't meant to tell her about monsters and hunting, and he certainly hadn't meant to tell her about his dad being missing, but it all just kind of... happened. He guessed that she reminded him too much of himself.

"So if it's just you and your brother, who's the girl?" Haley inquired, glancing at Percy.

"She's Sam's friend from college, Percy Jackson." Dean answered.

"Then what the hell is she doing here?" Haley asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, Sam thought that she could help find Dad, but I'm sure."

"Why would he think that?"

"No clue, she's been useless so far."

Percy's voice cut into the conversation, "You, know, I might be more useful if I was told useful information."

Both Dean and Haley jumped at the black-haired girl's sudden appearance. "Anyways, I came over here for a completely different reason." Percy started. "What the hell were you thinking letting a kid-"

"His name is Ben and he's Tommy's brother too." Haley cut Percy off.

"He's also what? 12? 13? Either way, he's way to young to be out here!" Percy responded.

"Oh, so you came over here to lecture me about my decisions with MY family?" Haley asked.

"No, I came to lecture Dean, you had no clue what we were getting into." Percy said, giving a sickly-sweet smile.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Look, we'll keep him out of harm's way alright?"

Percy nodded, "Yeah, next time though, keep the kids at home, alright?"

Dean nodded, "Sure." He wasn't sure why he being polite to Percy at this point, she still seemed like an unneeded person, just another civilian to keep safe. Something about the way she was so eager to take care of Ben made him hate her just a little bit less though. Maybe she reminded him a bit of himself. Dean shook his head. That definitely wasn't it.

"Hey Roy, you're a hunter right?" Dean asked, look at the guy.

"Yeah. I've been in these woods since you were in diaper."

Dean sighed, he didn't like people like Roy. "Oh, and you think that you're ready for anything because you've shot a few rabbits?"

"Grizzlies actually. Some buck."

"Tell me Roy, did the grizzly ever hunt you back? Because that's what this thing does. It's smarter than you, and a damn good hunter."

Suddenly, Roy put his arm out in front of Dean, forcing him to stop. "What the hell man?"

Roy silently poked a stick on the ground in front of Dean, snapping a bear trap closed. "Rangers, huh?"

Percy POV

Percy hated to say it, but she was proud of Dean. Of course she was, what with the way he was spoke to Roy and all. Well, she was proud of Dean, until he nearly got his foot taken off in a bear trap.

The small group continued on, searching for the campsite that Tommy Collins had been at when his last video was sent.

Percy just hoped that they'd find Tommy before it was too late, she didn't want to see another kid, or another person for that matter, lose somebody that they loved. Gods knew she had seen enough of that to last three lifetimes.

She was pulled from her musings by the person she was in front of suddenly stopping, causing her to crash into him. "What the Had-"

Percy cut herself off at the sight of the campsite. The tents had been completely torn apart, the materiel spread across the campsite. And there was blood everywhere, it reminded her so much of-. Percy wasn't going to let her thoughts go there, she had to make sure that Haley and Ben, but especially Ben, were okay. Until she was sure of that, until she was sure that Sam and Dean were fine, until she was alone and could let her guard down, Percy needed to push those thoughts towards the back of her mind where they wouldn't see the light of day.

Stealing a glance at the Collinses, (A/N: I'm pretty sure that's wrong, but I don't know how to correct it.) Percy looked away from the scene, gathered herself up, and put on the mask that she had oh-so carefully constructed.

She was just fine.

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