Chapter Six: Talking More Than is Necessary

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A/N: So, I'm terrible at consistent updates. The main reason is writer's block, and a complete inability to successfully move this plot forward. I'm trying though, I swear. Anyways, please forgive me dear readers! 

Also: What the Hades?!? People are actually reading this for some reason. Thank you so much to everyone whose reading this! Honestly, every time that I see that people are reading this I get really excited. So thanks!

Edit: So , something was pointed out to me, I came and changed it!

Disclaimer: I don't have the pleasure of owning Percy Jackson or Supernatural. If I did, I may not have been dubbed  "Alpaca" for reasons I have yet to fully understand.


Percy POV

She wasn't going to spit in the food. Percy knew that. The Winchesters didn't. Above all else the black-haired woman hoped that they would worry about it and not be able to get research done. Serves them right for completely ignoring her. Percy was a petty demigod, and she would readily admit this.

Besides, Mr. High-and-Mighty, aka Dean Winchester, was aggravating. Percy did something she shouldn't have, and she apologized for it. But Dean just couldn't let it go. She understood the pain of a missing parent, as her own mother had gone missing when she was eleven, and now her mother was dead. Of course she had also gone across the country to go to the underworld and find her. But, that wasn't the point. The point was that Dean needed to let it go. His dad was missing, and she had met her dad for the first time when she was eleven, and he had called her a wrongdoing. Then her father, a literal god, proceeded to do absolutely nothing for her, citing that he just couldn't.

Then again, Percy had grown up with the lack of a responsible father figure. Seriously, she got her first one when she was about fourteen. That was all that Sam and Dean had ever had. Percy sighed and went back to cooking.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Wild Time Skip has Appeared!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It took almost three hours for the Winchesters to get back. In those three hours the food got cold and Percy took a nap. She had woken up when the Winchesters had gotten there and at that point was watching some random video.

"Hey," it was Sam.

"Hey, food's in the fridge," Percy responded.

"Thanks. What're you doing on my laptop?" Sam asked Percy looked up. Dean had walked in behind Sam at this point.

"I genuinely have no idea," the demigod, not that the Winchesters knew that, or were going to know that, replied.

"How can you not what you're doing?" Dean asked walking over. "Give me that," he grabbed the laptop off of the bed. "Ten hours of 'Afro Ninja'!?!?"

Percy shrugged. "Like I said no clue what I was doing."

Sam snorted. "Anyways," Percy paused for a moment. "What did you people find out?"

"Well whatever it was was smart enough to get into a locked cabin." Dean said.

"So I'm assuming that you're going to ditch me to do research and completely ignore my input again?" Percy raised an eyebrow at the boys.

They glanced at each other, communicating something that Percy didn't understand.

"You totally are. I knew it." Percy flopped over on the bed. "I'm leaving this time."

"What?" Sam asked raising an eyebrow.

"This room. I'm leaving it." Percy rolled her sea-colored eyes. "I will not stay here and get bored enough to jump on the beds!"

Dean sighed. "Okay. What's your input?" Dean was clearly sarcastic about the question.

Percy gave a sarcastic smile. "Thank you Dean." She paused. "I'm think that it's a wendigo. I mean I might be wrong, because it takes me forever to read one page, so I skipped some stuff, but that's what it looked like to me."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "Why would it take you a while to read something?"

"I have dyslexia, like extreme dyslexia. It sucks."

Sam gave her a look. "That's why you want off research isn't it?"

"I mean it's part of it. Another part is the ADHD, and another part is that you won't let me research much anyways."

"What?" Dean scoffed.

Percy rolled her eyes, "'Come my dear little brother. Together we will go to the library and do research! And completely ignore Percy! Despite the fact that that's her job! Yes dear Sammy, it shall be grand!'"

"Seriously?" Dean asked.

"Yes. I resort to petty mockery quite often," Percy responded.

"Wow. So smart."

Percy smirked. "I was smart enough to get into Stanford."

Sam butted in, "I thought that you were only there because of a swimming scholarship?"

Percy rolled her eyes. "That's the only reason that I was able to stay there. It's super expensive and I don't have any money."

Dean raised an eyebrow, "Seriously?"

Percy shrugged. "I mean there was a while when that was literally true, then my mom married one Gabe Ugliano, total douche by the way, then he mysteriously vanished. A few years after that she married one Paul Blofis, a total sweetheart. Then she and Paul and their brand new baby, a little girl named Lizzy died." She paused. "Wow that's really depressing when you condense it all down like that." (A/N: So I added the whole "parents and sister dying" thing, mainly so I don't have to deal with them, plus, tragic backstory!)

"You think?" Dean asked. "Where was your dad in all of this?"

"I met him once, said he wished I'd never been born."


Percy shrugged again, "Can't miss a guy that I've never met." There was a minute of awkward silence. "Anyways, my theory?"

"I highly doubt that it's actually a wendigo. They rarely come this far south. But I can do some follow-up research." Sam replied.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is a strange and mystical Time Skip.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Sam couldn't believe it. There was no way that this was actually happened. Sam had always assumed that the apocalypse would happen first. Percy Jackson was right.

"Wow. Okay. So it does appear to be a wendigo." Sam started.

"Are you wowing that I got it right or wowing that it's a wendigo?" Percy asked.

"Both," Sam elegantly responded.

"Thanks for believing in me." Percy responded.

Sam laughed. "I've to much to believe in already."

Percy nodded at that. "I feel you."

"You have no idea," Dean piped in.

Percy just rolled her eyes.

Sam wasn't sure how to respond to that, his "too much" was all the creatures that went bump in the night as well as something that he was completely unwilling to tell anyone, especially Dean, about. Percy had just learned about some of the stuff, and he was 99.99% sure that she wasn't Christian. So what in the world could she be talking about?

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