My Everything

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Olivia's POV

I couldn't see myself spending the rest of my life with anyone beside Elliot Stabler. I don't know what I did before him. He's brought so much to my life, he's given me three gorgeous children and makes me feel wanted, loved, respected.

When we first met, it was instant chemistry. It took him a year to ask me out then another 3 to propose. It was the most romantic yet simple act he's ever done. Elliot strung lights around our living room in the apartment we shared at the time. He threw rose peddles around, mostly in the bedroom. Candles were lit as our song played. It was beautiful, when I walked in I couldn't take it all in. Elliot was standing in the middle of the living room with Chinese take out on the table which made me laugh. Before I could ask him what was going on he was on his knee telling me all the reasons he loves me. I cried. The man I love asked me to marry him and just like that I had a ring on my finger. The next thing I knew we were standing at the alter.

After we were married, we found this run down house that had potential it just needed someone to take a chance on it. Elliot and I fixed it up, made it a home together. It's cozy a place we're proud to raise a family of our own in. A decent size, five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a living space, kitchen, and the backyard is amazing.

No time was waisted on starting our family. Samantha was first she's now 7, she's very artistic and respectful. Then came Madison who's 5, she's my little cuddle bug the sweetest thing you'll ever meet. Finally Adam who's 3 and he's into everything from trucks to flowers he's a bit hyper but I don't mind most little boys are.  They're all a handful, but I wouldn't trade them for anything.

I never saw my life going this way, but I'm so thankful it has. We do spend a lot of time at work, but we work together so that's okay. We make sure to take time off for family days, and we try our hardest to be home before the kids go to bed. Sometimes Elliot will get home before they go to bed, and sometimes I will, it all depends on the cases he or I have.

Elliot's POV

The first time I saw Olivia walk through the doors of the precinct I felt my body go numb. My mind ran wild, I had to know who she was and what she was doing here. Our captain introduced us, I didn't believe she was going to be my partner.

It took me a year to ask her out. I know that sounds pathetic, I had plenty of chance, but I always second guessed my self. We moved in together after another year and after two more years I proposed.

We've been together eight years now and they've been the best years of my life. We have three children, who Id give my life up for. They're all so bubbly and energetic, and are as beautiful as their mother.

It's a perfect life.

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