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Olivia's POV

"It's been a couple weeks now...since that night at Elliot's."

"And do things seem better or worse?"

"Things seem to be getting better between us.  It's just learning to give that trust back that seems to be the hardest."

"That's completely understandable given everything that has taken place. Do you think you could learn to trust him like you did before?"

"Like, as in, before I found out?.."

"Yes. Before you found out about the affair."

"I would like to hope I can. I don't want to be the wife that is sitting around, worrying about what her husband is out doing and who he's out doing it with. I want to be able to believe him when he tells me something and that he's being true to his word."

"How do you feel the distance? Has it been affecting you and the marriage?"

"It has definitely helped a lot. I think it's been helpful in areas such as leaving room for us to be able to breathe, but also leave us to have that time to reconnect and work on what's broken."

"In our previous session you talked about your partner. How's that relationship holding up?"

"Nick?...He found out Elliot and I were working things out and didn't handle it well. He left the department...transferred to somewhere in California."

"How has that affected you?"

"It's best this way. Nick was like having a puppy. All he did was follow me around, it was tiring."

"Has another detective taken his place?"

"For the mean time Cragen put Elliot and I back in each other's corners"

"Wow okay.. and how's that been?"

"Going well. It's just like when we use to be partners. We're still so in sync and it's kind of mind blowing. I think we're better if possible."

"That's great to hear. Well it looks like that's all the time we have for today. You did great today Olivia, you're opening up more and more each session. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you." I smile softly and stand up putting my coat on.

"My assignment for you this week is to at least have dinner with your husband."

"I've had dinner with him the past few nights."

"No, actually have dinner. Not take out in your squad room. Dress up and go somewhere nice type dinner. Spoil each other. Spoil yourself. And I look for to hearing about it."

I nod my head smiling slightly and leave.

Elliot's POV

I stand in the kitchen and hear little feet run in as I'm reading a case.

"Daddy..daddy..daddy" Madison says as she yanks at my jeans trying to gain my attention.

I put down a folder that was in my hand and pick my daughter.

"What baby?" I give her a questioning look as she furrows her brows at me crossing her arms.

"Where's mommy?"

"She'll be back soon."

"Then are you gonna leave again?"

"Nope it's my day off! I'm all yours pumpkin."

"And Samantha's and Adam's."

I chuckle at her

"Yes I belong to all three of you today."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Why don't you go play with your brother and sister instead of playing twenty one questions?"

I put her down and she runs off.

Brittany walks into the kitchen shortly after Madison ran out.

"Brit thanks again for helping out with the kids today. I know we said you could have the day off, I'm sorry. I just needed sometime to look through a case and Liv had an appointment-"

She cuts me off

"-Elliot it's fine really.. I love those kids I don't mind at all."

I turn my back to open the fridge.

"So you've been around a lot more lately.. are you moving back in?"

"Uhhh.." I turn around with orange juice in my hand "soon."

"Does that mean you and Olivia worked things out?"

"We are." I drink from the carton.

"That's great. What went down between you two? The night she kicked you out I heard a little and was curious as to what it was about.."

By this time she was standing inches away from me

"Brittany I don't think this is appropr-"

I stop speaking when the door opens and the kids yell.


The suddenness of it all causes me to move away from her as if something happened, but I knew nothing did. I put the juice away and Olivia makes her way into the kitchen.


I turn around and smile at my wife hoping she doesn't tense the awkward tension in the air.

"Hey hon how was the appointment?"

Olivia's POV

"It went well doctor said I'm in perfect health."

Yeah...I told elliot I was going to a doctors appointment instead of a therapist. I didn't want to be embarrassed and I didn't want to have to talk about why I felt I was better off talking to a stranger about my feelings rather than my husband. Which is what he would say. There are just somethings I can't talk with him about.

"That's great Mrs. S" Brittany looks at me. How did I not notice her standing right there? I notice how close she's standing next to my husband and a hint a jealousy creeps into my mind.

Now I use to think Elliot would never sleep with someone else, but I was obviously wrong. But one thing I know for sure is that he would never sleep with someone so young.

I love Brittany. She's great with my kids and super sweet, but the way she acts towards Elliot sometimes...really gets to me. I know it's just a little crush, but it drives me mental especially the times he plays into it without knowing it.

She may think I have no idea, but trust me.. Females always know.

"Thank you" I smile at Brittany and walk towards Elliot and She leaves the kitchen and goes to the kids.

Elliot's POV

I wrap my around around olivia and kiss her softly.

"I could have told you that you were perfectly healthy."

Olivia laughs and kisses me again wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Mmm thanks but I'd rather trust a professional."

I chuckle and hover her lips

"I am a professional."

"You're a pro at...other things."

Olivia smiles against my lips speaking in a seductive tone and kisses me intensely. Our tongues dance in a fight for dominance heating up the kiss pretty fast. She pushes me away smiling running her hand down my chest.

"Why don't we take the kids to the park or something then tonight.." she stops her hand on my belt buckle. "We go to dinner treat ourselves.. maybe go back to that apartment while it's still yours."

"That sounds amazing."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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