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Elliot's POV

Once the kids are dropped off, Liv and I head into work.

We come up the elevator and Amaro is standing there.

"Olivia! You're just in time, caught a case"

She lets go of my hand and kisses my cheek staying in the elevator as Amaro joins her

"Love you."

"Love you too." I walk away from the elevator towards the lockers

"Elliot. Morning."

"Morning Dani." I put a few things away and roll up my sleeves as Dani and I walk to our desks.

Cragen comes out of his office and yells at Dani and I.

"You two sit on Keller's house. Olivia and Amaro went to his work he's A wall."

We got up instantly heading out.

Dani's POV

I wish we got an actual case to work instead of sitting here in this awkward silence waiting for a man who probably isn't coming home.

"Couldn't they have gotten a couple units to sit out here?"

My question causes Elliot to laugh.

"What are you too good to stakeout now?"

I laugh and act snobbish

"Yes the paid trip to Paris changed me"

Elliot's face changes and he goes back to being quiet.

"We need to move past this"

"I know." Elliot looks over at Dani. "I'm trying, but it's hard.. it's hard to look at you and not think about.." his voice lowers "your naked body and think about what we did. It's eating me up. I can't even touch my wife without you in the back of my head."

I lean over and kiss him and to my surprise he doesn't pull away, he actually kisses me back.

The kiss continues for a while deepening as my hands run up and down his chest, even against his crotch a little. He stops abruptly when he notices movement from the corner of his eye.

"What?" I sit back

"You see that?" Elliot points to a window in the house.

Elliot's POV

"That can't be him we've been watching the house."

Did she really just say that? For the last twenties minutes, I know for sure I haven't been watching it I was preoccupied and I'm pretty sure she was too.

"You sure about that? Because I wasn't, I had my mind on something else." I get out of the car and Dani does the same we make our way across the street and as we approach the house a man comes running from the back.

Dani and I chase him as she walkies it in. I grab ahold of the man and Dani holds a picture up of Keller.

"That's him."

I throw cuffs on the guy and we take him to the station. We interrogate him for hours about the girls he's been raping and leaving on the side of the road dead. He just sits there quiet so we let Liv and Amaro have a go at it.

They walk out of the room and Liv looks at me.

"Nothing." She sighs and I walk back into the room as Cragen and everyone watch.

"Elliot What are you-" cragen says

I shut the door not answering him

I move slowly to the table then grab a chair and jam it under the knob.

Pounding starts to come from the window and door it open up.

I kick the chair out form under Keller.

"Get up!" I yell at him and when he doesn't do as I say I lift him up and throw him against the wall.

"Stephanie Hopkins, age 7. Raped and left on the side of the road like trash" I began yelling out his victim as I throw him around

"Kourtney Calihan, 9. Raped and left like trash."

The more I said his crimes the angrier I got. The more physical I got.

"You can kill me detective. I won't say a word."

I put him in a choke hold and this is the point Cragen really begins to go crazy as does everyone else.

"Emily Jones, 4. You son of a bitch" I pull harder making him struggle for air.

And right before he's about to pass out I let go of him. He falls to the ground and I stand there tired and in disbelief of what took over me. I move the chair and walk out of the room.

"ELLIOT!" Cragen yells at me as I walk towards my desk.

"El" Olivia holds my face concerned.

I say nothing.

"I'll see you at home." I coldly speak to my wife and grab my coat.

"I'll drive you." Dani says and give Olivia a reassuring gesture "I'll talk to him."

Olivia nods her head and watches the two leave the station.

Olivia's POV

"He better hope, Keller doesn't do anything that'll get Elliot into a shit load of trouble." Amaro says

"I think he might be ready to talk now. Maybe a hint of near death was exactly what he needed." I walk away going into the room where Keller sits.

Elliot's POV

"I could've driven myself home."

"And leave your wife with no car?"

I just nod since I didn't think about that.

"What were you thinking going off half cocked like that?"

"I wasn't thinking. I don't know what happens one thing I'm standing by our desks next thing I'm putting a chair against the door assaulting the pervert."

"I would've done the same thing."

"Well Olivia wouldn't have. I'll definitely be getting an ear full tonight. And tomorrow by Cragen."

"Then I won't take you home."

"Really? Where will you take me besides home to my kids?"

"My place."

The car fell silent. I went back and forth between the two knowing the option provided was wrong. I still debated.

"Dani.. I can't."

"I just meant for the rest of the day at least. So you can cool down without your kids around. It's only 3 you still have at least 5 hours maybe more before Olivia makes it home. And your sitter got the kids so why relieve her when she's only just started her day with them?"

"Okay...Just to cool down."

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