Sight Seeing

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Dani's POV

I wake up a few minutes prior before Elliot.

He looks so peaceful while he's sleeping. I can't help, but watch him.

"You're staring."

I jump a little and laugh

"Sorry you looked peaceful normally you're angry or spilling bullshit out of your mouth it's just something new I'm not use to"

"Oh yeah?"
He chuckles


"I could say the same for you"


He finally opens his eyes and turns his head to look at me.

"There are those eyes"
I give him a soft smile. He raises his eyebrows at me then just smirks.

It sends chills down my spine. His looks alone could send me into shock.

We stay like that for a while, him looking at me and me looking at him until the room tenses up and he begins to feel awkward.

Elliot looked away grabbing his phone
"So what are the plans for today?"

"Well I thought I could show you around a bit"

"That's be nice yeah"

His bare chest is beautiful, his muscles are defined and his tattoos she everything. I look down, oh god, I forgot I didn't put any thing on for bed just stayed in my undergarments. I get up.

Elliot's POV

I watch Dani as she gets up. I make it seem like I am looking at my phone, but my eyes follow her around the room. She bends down to grab clothes, revealing more of herself than she might want.

"El?..El?... Elliot?..Elliot!"

"Wha- what I'm sorry"

"Now who's the one staring"

I can feel my face turn red. She goes into the bathroom and I dial my wife:

"Hey babe"
"Elliot? God it's so good to hear you're voice. I miss you"
"I miss you too"
"How's the job going?"
"Good. Can't talk much about it"
"No yeah I know. How's Paris?"
"Beautiful I wish you were here to enjoy it with me"
"Enjoy it? You're on an undercover job"
"Yeah and we have a few days to kill since the sellers are putting us off till then."
"What do you plan on doing till then?"
"Dani's gonna show me around some."
"Oh nice.. that sounds like fun"
"Yeah.. how are the kids?"
"Good, miss you a lot."
"And I miss them"
"You have a lot of drawing to come home to"
"I can't wait"
"I have to go I hear Adam crying I wanna get him before he wakes the girls"
"Okay love go do your motherly acts, I love you and miss you. Tell the kids I love and miss them as well"
"I will El love you too bye"
"Bye babe"

I miss her so much.

I get up and go into the other bathroom to shower. I get out and go into the bedroom to get dressed and see Dani completely naked. I want to move but I'm frozen.

Her body is glowing- Elliot you're married stop look away close your eyes- I want to but I'm mesmerized. Once she's dressed I announce my presence by clearing my throat.

"Took you long enough, I thought you were just gonna stand there all day"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be-"
She walks past me putting her hand on my chest and whispers in my ear seductively.
"-I wanted you to watch"
She moves and keeps walking to the kitchen

I get dressed and into the kitchen

"I made you a cup of coffee here"
Dani holds a mug out to me

I take it from her

"Want some breakfast?"

"You don't have to"

"No I want to.. what do you like? "

"Whatever you want to make"


"Sounds good"

Dani and I spend the entire day walking around looking at landmarks. We end our day at a restaurant where we sit outside under string lights.

"This place is beautiful El"

"Yeah it is."

Slow live music is being performed on a stage near the inside entry door

"Do you wanna dance?"

"How about after we order?"

"I'll hold you to it"

"Oh I believe it"

We get seated and order. They pour us wine instantly. I watch Dani take her first sip and almost spit mine out.


I keep laughing

"Tell me"

"When you took that sip it looked like you enjoyed it a little too much"

"I did"
She laughs and looks at the dance floor
"Shall we?"

"Why not"

I take her hand and lead her to the floor. She puts her hands on my shoulders and I put mine on her waist. The longer we dance the closer she moves into me, moving her hands from my shoulder to around my neck.

Dani speaks in a almost whisper tone

I look down

It all happens so fast before I know it her lips are on mine, but I can't pull away.

The kiss drags out for a long time. She puts her hand on the side of my face and I do the same. Eventually we pull away from each other not saying anything.

I cough clearing my throat. I look over at our table and notice the waitress putting our food down. I nod my head to the table feeling too uncomfortable to form words.

We sit and eat silently. I pay and we walk back to the hotel.


I cut her off

"Let's not mention it, It was just a in the moment type thing okay?"


Once we get up to the room I sit one the couch.

Dani's POV

What? Does he plan on sleeping on the couch? It was a kiss I tried to say sorry, but he wouldn't even let me.

I get undressed and put an oversized shirt on as a night gown. I lay under the covers. I fall asleep and wake up not long after to Elliot getting to the bed.


"Fuck I thought you were asleep"

I laugh a little and turn to him

"I was then you shaking the bed woke me up, you suck at sneaking around... I didn't mean to startle you"

We stare into each other's eyes for a moment and I just go for it.

His lips are soft, the stubble from his face tickles a bit. It's an innocent kiss then I feel his tongue trying to get access to my mouth and I eagerly let him. I put my hand against his chest.

As the kiss progresses it gets more intense. I roll over, landing on top of him straddling his sides. His hands make their way to my waist and up my shirt. I feel him pause when he realizes I'm not wearing a bra. He lifts the shirt over my head admiring my body. I can't help, but feel exposed.

I put my hands on the sides of his face and he rolls us over taking control. I laugh letting a little scream out smiling. As Elliot kisses my neck I push his briefs down. And then I could feel him, all of him, inside me. I let out a loud moan. As he began to do soft strokes someone knocked on the door..

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