What Happened in Paris?

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Olivia's POV

I start driving home when my phone goes off.


"Hey girl, wanna get some drinks?"


"Yes! Who else? Meet me at Jimmys Corner?"

"Ahh okay fine, but I can't stay long"

I hang up and turn my car around heading towards the bar. When I walk in Dana was already sitting down with two beers waiting.

"You waited?"

"Yep and already went ahead and order you a drink. First ones on me."

"Dana you didn't have to do that, but thank you."

I take my coat off and throw it on the counter.

"How've you been Liv?"

"I've been good. Taking the days as they come."

"I hear that! How about those little munchkins of yours?"

"Wonderful. What about you D? What have you been up to since the Paris case?"

"Shit storm after shit storm. Just got back from another trip. Oregon."

"So you've been busy." I laugh and take a sip of my beer

"Too busy for words. I'm sorry I didn't call after I heard about that whole incident in the lab."

"No it's fine."

"How's Elliot healing up?"

"Getting there. Would be faster if he wasn't so stubborn and would just listen to me...I tell him to rest and instead he does everything possible so he can't rest."

"Sounds like him"

We both laugh

"So you two are doing good?"

"Yeah of course why wouldn't we be?"

I raise a brow interested in her reasoning for asking.

"Just figured after his Paris stunt it might have put a strain on the two of you."

She's talking about Elliot defending himself by shooting that man...right?

"Well it wasn't Elliot's fault. He was in his head for a while, acting off and such, but eventually he moved past it. It still messes with him from time to time."

"Are you talking about Beck and him?"

What did she just say.. Beck? Dani Beck? What happened between my husband and her.

"No I'm talking about the man Elliot had to pull his gun on... what are you talking about?"

My voice was defensive.

"Olivia.. I really thought you knew."

"Knew What Dana?"

"It's not my place honestly. You should speak to Elliot about this one."

"That's what I'm going to do."

Anger filled my voice I grab my coat and leave as I drive home I go back and forth with myself.

What could she possibly be talking about?

Olivia don't act dumb you know exactly what she was talking about you just don't want to admit it.

No Elliot wouldn't do anything like that. He didn't. I have to be missing something.

Elliot's POV

I sit on the couch resting watching the kids play as Brittany is cleaning up dinner.

Olivia comes through the door. And I turn to see her.

"Hey honey."

She ignores me. Something seems off. Olivia calls for Brittany

"Can you watch the kids?"

"Of course" Brittany walks into the living room and Olivia locks eyes with me.

"We need to talk. Now."

Her voice was low. She was angry. But what about.

I stand up and follow her up to the bedroom. When I walk in she shuts the door.

"Liv? What's this about?" I look at her concerned

"What happened in Paris?"

My face goes blank and I could feel my heart speeding up.

"What do you mean?"

"Between you and Beck! What happened?" Olivia's voice rose louder than I've ever heard her before. She quickly lowered it not wanting the kids to know we were upstairs arguing.

"Nothing." I speak calmly

"Don't lie to me Elliot Dana said something happened! Now what?"

She doesn't stay out of business that doesn't involve her does she...

"Honey I don't know what you're talking about."

"If you won't tell me I'll just go ask Dani I'm sure I can get it out of her. Or I'll just go back to Dana she'll tell me."

Olivia makes her way back to the door. If she's going to find out. I would rather be the one to tell her. Instead of her finding out form anyone else.

"Okay..okay..I'll tell you."

Liv turns around and crosses her arms waiting for a response.

Do I tell her Dani and I fooled around or..the full truth.

I sit on the bed and run my hands down my face.

"I'm waiting." Olivia says impatiently

I look at her

"I'm sorry."

"What'd you do Elliot?" I could see the anger slowly turning into hurt.

I look away from her and at the ground letting a deep breath out.

"I slept with her."

"You what?"

"I slept with Dani."

Things went quiet. I was too scared to look up at first, but when she stayed quiet for so long I had to. And the look on my wife's face...It shattered me.

Tears overflowed Olivia's eyes. She wasn't even looking at me anymore.

"Liv?" I speak softly "honey?"

"Get out.." her voice was low.

"What?" I stand up and walk towards her

"Get out!" Rage took over her and she hit my chest over and over. "Get out! I want you out! You lying, cheating, bastard!"

I stand there and take it letting her get it out of her system. She eventually stops. And rests her hands on my chest trying to pull herself together after her freak out. She pulls away.

"Pack your things. I don't care where you go, but you're not staying here." She speaks tiredly and goes into the bathroom locking the door.

All I could hear was Olivia sobbing. I sit on the bed. The one person who means the most to me in this world is broke...and I'm the cause.

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