Rat squad

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Elliot's POV
"I yelled to the suspect, addressing myself as an officer and that he should stop. He ran to the edge of the dock. I pointed my gun at him and he reached behind his back.."

Dani's POV
"I heard a gun go off. I yelled for my partner and when he didn't answer I ran to where I thought the gun might have gone off. Elliot was knelt down over Bravo checking for a pulse on the dock,but he was gone."

"Did you ask detective stabler why he shot Bravo?"

"No if my partner shoots someone it's for a reason."

"Was the suspect armed?"


"Then why do you think stabler shot him?"

"I don't know, why do you keep asking me?"

"Do you believe your partner to be a dangerous man?"

"No, not at all."

"Your partner has a real problem with perps, did you know that?"

"My partner-"

"Your partner has beaten up perps, wishes he could kill them"

"Wishes! Doesn't mean he acted on it. I wish for things too, but never acted on it."

Elliot's POV

"Is there a sexual relationship between you and your partner detective?"

"No. I'm married, happily."

Dani's POV

"Ever slept with your partner?"


"You sure about that? You took a pretty big pause there."

"I have never had sexual reactions with Elliot Stabler."

"Fine, you're free to go."

I walk out of IAB's interrogation room and there was Elliot and Dana yelling at each other in a whisper. I could barley make out what they were saying..

"You had no right to tell them!"

"I was not going to lie about it."

I walked over

"What happened?"

Elliot was pissed

"They know"

"They know what El?"

"Dana told them"

My heart started racing

"What did you tell them?"

"They asked if I knew of you two having relations while on the job in paris, I told them what I knew. What'd you say when they asked you?"

"No, it wasn't your place to say anything"
Elliot starts to walks out I Run after him stopping him outside on the steps.

"Elliot I'm sorry"

"It's my fault, I should've taken control of the situation, it shouldn't of happened. It was my mistake."

"Don't say that"

"It was. Did you think this was going to go somewhere? Mhhm?I'm married with three kids. I betrayed My marriage, What we did was a sin."

"Elliot." I try to put my hand on the side of his face but he moves away.

Elliot's POV

I look to my side and see Olivia standing there. I try to analyze her face to get an understanding of how much she heard.

"Honey what are you doing here?"

"Cragen told me you got back and you'd be here. I heard what happened I wanted to make sure you were alright, is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything fine"

Olivia's POV

He's never been good at lying to me, something happened why won't he tell me?..

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