Ice Cream

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Prom was this weekend and the school was buzzing. I was gonna be driving Alysa to school for a few weeks because she's been having severe anxiety attacks recently and we were worried about her. She gets really stressed under pressure
     "Hey, how you doing?" I asked as she jumped into my truck.
     She rolled her eyes. "I wish people would stop asking that. I'm fine."
     I held my hands up in surrender. "Ok ok I'll stop." As we pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of the truck
I bit my lip and stopped walking down the hall and looked at her. "Look Lys, we're just worried we don't want something like that to happen while your driving or something."
Her face softened and she looked down. "I know but I'm just...I guess I'm tired of those sympathetic star--"
All of a sudden the janitor door swung open and we both shrieked. Then Rianna came stumbling out, disoriented. She saw us and her eyes widened and she slammed the door shut behind her and leaned on it. She was blushing and grinned innocently.
"Uh hey guys, er what're you, um, doing here?" She babbled.
"Hunting." I said sarcastically. Realization hit me and I crossed my arms and smirked. "However, what're you doing here? Or more specifically what're you doing in there?" I said.
"Um. Cleaning." She said
We heard something fall and Alysa raised her eyebrow.
"Yeah well I found a rat! Run that way!" She yelled pulling us by our bags the opposite direction. We stopped and me and Alysa doubled over laughing our arses off.
"Don't get cocky" she said. Just as I was about to reply with a comeback she kicked me in the shin. Her eyes widened with mischief as she looked behind me. I turned around and saw Nathan, Jo, and Caleb a few feet away.
She smirked and quirked her eyebrow. "Two can play this game. OI SHINAGAWA, GET YOUR ASS--"
I put my sweater over her face and dragged her away. Nathan looked at me puzzled. 'Tell you later' I mouthed.


Later that afternoon, I sat in math class taking notes when I felt something tap my arm. I looked down and saw a crumpled paper next to my elbow. I unwrapped it and read it.

Hey wanna get ice cream after school or something?

I turned around confused, and spotted him and shrugged, nodding. I faced forward and continued taking notes until the bell rang.


     I walked down the hall and rubbed my hands on my jeans. I leaned against the wall with my backpack and looked at my phone when someone came up behind me and drummed on my shoulders. Out of...instinct, I jumped and almost kicked him.
     "Whoa whoa whoa! It's just me!" Yells Nathan, eyes wide with alarm.
     "Oh. "Sorry..." I mumbled.
     "Hey it's cool just calm down there." He laughed. "You ready?" He laughed.
"Sure let's go."
    He led me out of the building and to his car.
    "So ice cream sound good?" He asked.
    "Yeah sure."
    We drove in silence until we got there with me on my phone. He walked up and ordered.
     "One scoop of chocolate and one scoop of mint chocolate please."
     "How'd you know what I'd want?" I asked.
     "Believe it or not you're very predictable." He grinned.
     I thought for about two seconds and I rolled my eyes. We got our ice cream and we walked to the park to sit down and we talked for a while. In a minute of silence I thought back to a few years ago when we were all so young and immature...and short. Although Rianna hasn't changed too much. I looked at Nathan and noticed how much taller he'd grown. He was about 5 foot 7 while I was still 5 foot 2, which kind of irritated me I hadn't grown since middle school. He'd grown into his height and since he was in track and wrestling, he was fit. The rest of his features were pretty much the same.
     "Earth to Ashlyn?" Nathan said.
     "Hm what?"
     He laughed. "You ok there? You zoned out for a while."
     "Oh yeah. Just the voices." I joked with a wink.
     He laughed and shook his head mumbling something I couldn't hear. Suddenly I got an idea and picked up my spoon. I scooped up some ice cream and threw it at his face.
     He set down his bowl. "What the HELL..."
     I jumped up the same time he did and we both just stood there, me grinning, and him smirking. I started running down the grass laughing and I heard him start to catch up so I tried pushing my legs faster. His hands scooped under my arms and he held me up off the ground a little, my feet kicking and me laughing hysterically. I kicked under his leg and he lost balance and fell. I cheered with my hands in the air and my hair in my face. He laughed and crossed his arms under his head, and I sighed and sat up and looked around at the pinkish sky as the sun was setting when I saw someone off in the distance.
     "Well damn." I said, grinning.

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