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We got to the ice cream place and had a fun time until we decided to head home and tell our parents about our letters, and to get ready to leave for the airport
      I walked through my door with my keys and phone to find grandma run up from her door in two seconds flat with a bouquet of flowers, looking at me expectantly.
      "I got into both in Colorado!" I cheered, holding my arms out. She shrieked and strangled me in a hug.
"I'm so proud of you! My little girl's going to college!" She choked happily. She pulled back and there were already tears streaming down her face.
"I can't believe this! This is so amazing! Your gonna be a doctor! I'm calling GiGi and Angela! Be right back!" She rambled, running out of the room.
I laughed. "Grandma I gotta leave for the airport real soon!"
She screamed from her room and I laughed. I walked down the hall to my room and put a few more things into my suitcase and bags. I looked around at my room. There were pictures and memories on every wall. All of our trips, Christmas's, my dog, and lots of family and friends pictures.
I took my stuff into the living room to find grandma FaceTiming with Angela.
"Hey Aunty!" I said into the phone with a smile.
"Oh my goodness! It's the little college girl!" She gushed and my smile grew and my face heated up.
"I know, I'm so excited." I sang.
"That's so great sweetheart! I know you have a plane to catch so I'll talk to you later ok? Text me when you get off the plane." She said happily beaming.
"Deal. Thanks aunty! Love you!"
"Love you too, my darling. Bye." And she hung up.
Grandma put her phone in her purse and we walked out the door. We walked to her car and we drove to Alysa's house while we talked about stuff like what plans we have for the trip, my plans for college, which college I was leaning towards, and crap like that. We finally got to Alysa's and me and grandma said our goodbyes sadly and I walked into the house with all my bags. Soon, everyone else met us at Alysa's and we carpooled with the help of Rianna, Alysa, and Sophia parents. We drove while talking excitedly about what we were gonna do when we got there. We decided that we were gonna act all mature and fancy and once we landed and got settled at our house and stuff, we were gonna go out to a fancy dinner and dress nice and stuff.
We finally got to the airport and everyone said their anxious goodbyes to their parents and we walked through the terminal while our parents yelled and waved tearfully until we were out of sight and we "pretended we didn't know them".
"This is it biotchos." Rianna exclaimed excitedly.
"YESSSSSS!" Sophia bellowed deeply and we laughed. We got to our seats and thankfully we were all together. I was sitting by the window side on the end by the aisle with Alysa next to me and Jo next to the window. Right across the aisle was Rianna and Tyler together. In the row diagonally behind us was Sophia then Nathan and directly behind us was Caleb.
With Sophia and Nathan sitting together this is going to be a long flight, I thought to myself laughing quietly to see that Sophia was already yelling at Nathan, obviously winning some argument.
"Does anyone have any Benedryl?" Nathan groaned wryly.
"Nope." Alysa said smirking.
"Does anyone have a gun then?" He asked desperately.
We laughed and Sophia smacked him.
       "The guns for me." He said. He rolled his eyes and then banged the back of his head against the head rest with his eyes closed.
I turned away smiling and shaking my head, for my eyes to meet Jo's, who was smirking at me.
"What?" I asked
"You're staring." He sang tauntingly as I rolled my eyes.
"And so are you jackass." I shot back
"Ooooooo," He sang sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes and turned to Alysa. I honestly couldn't blame Jo too much for being so much of a player. Nathan told me that when we were in middle school he really liked this girl and they were dating until she cheated on him. That was his first girlfriend too, so it kinda damaged him.
We flew for what felt like forever while playing games and laughing and making jokes and plans until we landed in the blue skies of Tortola, British Virgin Islands. I noticed the entire time we were flying literally everyone around us were wearing noise cancelling headphones....
         We grabbed all our things, quickly got our cars, which were both jeeps, and drove to our house we rented. The Virgin Islands were beautiful and I took a million freakin pictures, even though it was nighttime. My camera had a night setting though.
         "Ash, we have a whole month. Stop taking pictures or there'll be nothing to take pictures of." Sophia said, lowering my hand.
        I grinned at her and clicked the button on my camera and put it in my pocket. We got to the rental after about an hour and we parked in the driveway. I walked up the driveway with my bags along with Alysa, Caleb, and Rianna next to me and everyone else taking forever I mean like what the fudge.
          I had the code for the lock on the house so I punched it in and the lock beeped and I swung the door open and gasped. There was blood everywhere. On every wall.

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