Graduation Part 2

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     I cheered until my throat was raw and I videoed everything happening around us. Tyler kissed Rianna passionately, Alysa wrapped her arms around Caleb from behind and he grabbed under her knees and hoisted her up as they laughed and she kissed him on the cheek and he turned redder than a freaking apple. Sophia was doing her famous dance she's been doing since the 8th grade and Nathan was shaking his head at her, laughing. I got a camera for Christmas when I was 14. It was an amazing Cannon that I took like literally everywhere, and I was taking photos left and right. Anyway, soon we stood up and filed out of the seats and we were able to go find our relatives and crap. I found my grandma and, much to my surprise, my brother who came home from college to see me and my smile grew huge. I ran to my brother and hugged him.
     "You came!" I screamed happily. I backed up and slapped his arm. "YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU WERE COMING!" I yelled at him.
     "Nice to see you too." He said rolling his eyes and smiling.
     "Oh, guys this is my brother. Jacob, that's Rianna, her boyfriend Tyler, that's Caleb, Nathan, Sophia, Kelsey, and duh you know Alysa." I said pointing at each of them.
      "Nice to meet you. Hey Alysa," he said eyeing the boys. "Who are all these boys?"
      I laughed. "They're just my friends, bro relax."
      "Ahem!" My grandma said. "The one who kinda gave you life over here."
      I walked over and gave her a big hug.
      "I'm so proud of you!" She whispered, squeezing me.
      "Thanks grandma." I smiled. I pulled back and my brother was talking to the boys.
"Do you have any criminal record?" He interrogated. I laughed and slapped him on the chest, pushing him away.
       "Ignore him," I laughed. "Ok I think the reception thingy is in the café, so let's go."
       "FOOD." Rianna shouted and Sophia at the same time, bolting off, and we laughed. Me, Alysa, and the guys followed.
       "Who's that one again?"
       "Rianna and Sophia. Don't worry you definitely won't forget them."


      The rest of my friends parents met us inside the cafe. Me and Alysa saw mom and dad and ran to them. I let Alysa go first and I walked slowly after her to give her a chance to hug her own parents. Then I walked up to them and hugged them all, beaming. They pulled back, "We're so proud of both of you," she said smiling at Alysa. Alysa smiled back and she turned around and saw her brother and smiled, hugging him and her sister-in-law and nephew.
     They smiled at me too. "Hows your arm?" Her dad asked.
     "Eh it's fine. A bit sore but those pain meds work wonders. I don't wanna talk about that though! We just graduated!" I sang, doing jazz hands.
      They beamed, their faces glowing, and looked back at Alysa again. She walked back over and put her head on her mom's shoulder. "I'm gonna go inside and find grandma she probably got seats."
       "No hon, we already found seats" Mom said walking inside.
       "Who's watching them?" Alysa asked. She stopped short and shrieked. "Amanda!" She ran over and squeezed her sister and nieces. I gasped and laughed and walked over. "So good to see you!" I said, hugging her.
       After a while, I found grandma and pulled her over to our seats. Everyone else's parents were sitting around us too, which was perfect.
       I met Jo, Nathan, Caleb, and Tyler's parents. Since I'd already met most my friends parents. They were all nice and seemed to like me.
"Oh so your Ashlyn," said Nathan's 16 year old sister, Jaelyn, grinning.
"Uh yeah, you've heard of me?" I say smiling nervously.
"Of cour-- OW!" She yelled rubbing her shin where Nathan "discreetly" kicked her. I smirked at him then batted my lashes and smiled cutely.
"Awww, you talk about me?" I sang. His shoulders slumped and he rolled his eyes.
"You speak for yourself, Ash." He said ruffling my hair.
I hissed and smoothed my hair. Jaelyn looked at us and laughed. I smiled at her. She was a cute little sister and looked exactly like Nathan.
"Nice to meet you," I said to Jaelyn with a smile and waved.
"You too!" She said smiling and glancing at Nathan. I looked curiously between them and shrugged and turned around and walked back to my table. I sat down and rested my chin on my hand and looked around. Alysa was laughing with rosy cheeks at her table with her family and was glowing with joy. Rianna and Tyler's families were sitting together and they were sitting together holding hands and she put her head on his shoulder. Sophia was sitting together with her enormous family, making jokes and drinking way too much soda. Caleb was talking with Jo. He looked like he was trying to give him a pep talk or something because he looked nervous and Jo had a hand on his shoulder. I looked at Nathan who was getting teased by his brother and sister about god knows what and was rolling his eyes and I chuckled. I rubbed my hands together and took out my phone and started scrolling through TikTok.
"Hey," Caleb and Alysa said sitting down with me.
"Hey, what was going on over there?" I said clicking my phone off.
"I don't know what your talking about," he said turning bright red. I looked at Alysa questionably and she shrugged taking a drink of cider from a flute glass.
"Do you know if Tyler's coming to the Caribbean with us?" Alysa asked.
"Of course. He goes where his "love" goes." I say winking.
"Ha-ha! Very funny!" Rianna's voice says behind me making me jump. I looked at Alysa and Caleb with wide eyes and press my lips together trying not to smile.
"Go suck a walnut," she says sitting down.
"You'd be the expert on that-" I muttered. My face starting to heat up from holding in my laughter, and she slapped the back of my head.
"I'll re-break your arm." She says bluntly.
"Try me." I smirked.
"BRING IT BITCH," she jumped up like a flamingo or something.
"Sit down." Alysa said rolling her eyes and laughing, grabbing her shoulder and yanking her down and we all laughed.

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