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      I woke with a start and I sat bolt upright on the bed and I hear the heart rate monitor go mad.
I hear a collective inhale and shuffling footsteps. A sharp pain stabs at my head and I wince.
"Ashlyn! You need to lie down!" Nathan urges trying to push me down.
"What's going on?" I say, flustered.
"Lay down and we'll explain!" Caleb says, pushing me back down.
I do as told and calm down a little.
"Ashlyn, do you want to know what happened?" My Grandma asked, concerned. I'd forgotten she was here. I looked at her. She had dark circles around her eyes, which were red and puffy. She's been crying, and she looked tired. I nodded.
Grandma looked at Alysa, who took a breath and sat beside me. "What's the last thing you remember? Take your time and think." She added.
I thought for a minute. My brain was just a little foggy and ache-y. Everything started coming back quicker, and I winced a little.
"We were at the beach and Alysa and I were talking. There was a wave...I...I think was pulled under. Then idk I guess I passed out..."
"Yeah that's most of it. It's like you said, you got pulled out pretty far and the waves were getting rough. When it finally blew over, we got on our boards and the boys paddled to get to you and we brought you in. Sophia called an ambulance." She said, her voice shaky.
She cleared her throat slightly and began again. "We tipped you over and pat ur back to get the water out of your lungs. Then the ambulance got here and I rode with you in the ambulance while the others drove here. They took you to the ER and while we waited forever. You have a very small fracture on your wrist, and a mild concussion.
It took a moment to sink in. "Okay..."
   I faked a smile, "It's okay. I'm ok." I said. Even though my wrist and my head were killing me.
I looked around and everyone looked tired, and worrisome. I scratched my head, but found there was a bandage there.
"Can I have a mirror?"
Everyone scrambled to find a mirror like it was a contest and I laughed. They looked at me confused. "You guys need to lighten up. I'm fine."
Grandma handed me a mirror and I looked at my face, surprised. I had a black eye and a couple bruises on my neck. I also had a cut on my lip, but the most notable thing by far was the jagged cut on my forehead area, that disappeared into my hair. It had stitches and was an angry red.
"You tumbled along the reef quite a bit and most of that was from the damage of the rocks."
"Is this gonna scar?" I asked, gently touching the big one.
"It night sweetheart...but if it does, it'll shrink a bit."
"Then I'll be ugly yay." I said weakly and sarcastically. "Its a shame really. I was hoping to look like two face." I said, trying to lighten the mood and making a crooked expression.
Everyone laughed and rolled their eyes.
I removed the blanket from my body and looked at myself. My legs weren't bad. Just some bruises. Not that I cared. Mystery bruises always appear on my legs.
"Do--do you want anything, sweetheart? You must be hungry or something. You haven't eaten. Maybe water too?" Grandma rambled.
I smiled. "Some water would be nice but I'm not that hungry."
Grandma walked to find the doctor, and Alysa bit her lip like she wanted to say something.
"What is it Alysa?"
She hesitated then gave a halfhearted smile. "Don't worry about it.

Sorry this chapter was so short! The next one will be longer! :)

-Ash <3

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