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"Ok y'all time for s'mores and storytelling." I exclaimed excitedly, clapping my hands together.
     "Calm down Mary Poppins." Jo said sarcastically, rolling his eyes, while everyone snickered and I kicked his shin.
    Rianna laughed and ran inside our tent to pull out a couple bags of stuff for s'mores and...root beer?
    "Ok let's get it started bitches." Rianna yelled, hopping onto a seat next to Tyler.
    It was about 9 o clock and we finally decided to settle down, get our pajamas on, and do a couple cliche camp out things.
    I stood up to grab some flashlights. When I came back, everyone was laughing, and I walked forward to see Nathan, Jo, and Caleb struggling with their "fire", while everyone laughed at them.
    I stood there staring at them try to light a match.
   "Do you girls need some help with that?" Sophia laughed.
   "That's racist." Caleb whined.
   "And you're stupid." Tyler said, rolling his eyes. Rianna giggled and rested her head on his shoulder.
   I laughed as I fumbled with turning on our lamps. I looked up and my eyes found Noah's.
   I squinted slightly as if to ask what was wrong. He seemed in a daze because he shook his head a little and looked around a little before turning his head back to me.
   Something flashed in his eyes and he nudged his head to the side.
   He must wanna talk to you stupid, I thought to myself.
   I shrugged and stood up after he walked off discreetly and I followed.
   We walked not too far, just behind the tents so no one could hear.
   "What's up? I know it's never good when you look like your thinking." I joked, smiling.
    He offered a small smile that was a little too forced.
    "Hey, dude, I'm kidding what's wrong." I said patting his arm awkwardly.
    He sighed. "Ok I'm just gonna say it. I need to leave." He said, conflicted, running a hand through his hair.
    My eyes widened a little in surprise as we stared at each other.
    I kept opening and closing my mouth to speak. I was just taken aback and I was not expecting that. "W-wow. Why?"
    "Well term starts a bit earlier this year I guess. I got an email from the university saying that schools starting a couple weeks earlier, so I have to leave in less then a week."
    "Wow. I realized I never asked where do you go to school?"
    "Stanford..." he mumbled. My eyes got bigger and I hit him.
    "You can't be smarter then me!"
    He chuckled lightly and looked above at the stars.
    "I didn't want this to happen. Jayden's also leaving because, well you know we go to the same school."
    "Wait you're a sophomore?" I asked. He nodded and I laughed lightly, shaking my head
    "Man, well I know now. Your like ten times hotter now." I joked, rolling my eyes.
    He laughed again and pulled me to a hug. "Maybe I'll see you again. Me and Jayden wanted to hang out with you guys one more time before we left." He said, his chin resting on top of my head.
    I looked down and pulled away after a moment.
    I sighed. "Well I guess let's get back. You have to help the guys light the fire though. The only thing they can do is play with their hair." I said quickly, walking back to our circle without looking at him again. I didn't want to prolong the conversation any longer, and give him any ideas.
    He laughed and we arrived back to the pit to find it was already blazing.
    "Wow good job boys." I said nodding my head.
    "That was actually Rianna and Sophia." Alysa said snickering. "Rianna has...a lot of...experience in fire." Alysa said slowly glancing at Rianna. I laughed and glanced at the guys, who looked very moody.
    "Ok let's get this started." Rianna said pulling out sticks and marshmallows.
    We roasted s'mores and talked and laughed for a while and eventually decided to tell some scary stories, and Rianna decided to go first.
    "Now, lately this girl always felt like she was being watched and followed. Sometimes she'd turn around and think she saw a flash of white, like someone...or something...was running away to hide." Rianna said in a low dramatic voice.
    "One night was the worst. She just finished her dance lessons and couldn't get a ride home, so she had to walk  home at night. Alone." She said in a eerie deep voice.
    "She again had the same feeling like she was being followed, so she walked faster. Then she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and screamed when she realized.....IT WAS CALEB." She exclaimed, making us jump and roar with laughter.
I wiped the tears from my eyes after laughing for God knows how long and looked up at him to see his face set with a dull expression and I broke out laughing again.
I sighed and calmed down after a while. I picked up my root beer bottle and took a swig, and immediately spit it out.
"Rianna! This is not root beer!" I yelled at her, scrunching up my face.
"It's kind of root BEER." She smirked mischievously, and I rolled my eyes and wiped my mouth. I didn't really like beer.
After about a couple hours of storytelling and s'mores roasting, we finally decided to settle down and go to our own tents because it was like midnight.
I said goodnight to everyone and me, Alysa, and Sophia went to our tent. Everyone was in a tent with groups of three mostly, and Noah and Jayden were sleeping in their car, which was parked on the sand right near us.
I pulled my laptop out of my backpack and pulled up Netflix. We watched a couple episodes of Friends until we drifted off into a peaceful sleep, wrapped up in our blankets.

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