Not Your Day

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"Ok is this stupidness done with now?" Tyler asked as we all sat on the deck.
Sophia laughed. "Yeah. Let's just watch a movie tonight or something. Order food in."
I sighed, relaxed. "Sounds amazing." I said.
"I swear we are going to make you girls do a boys day with us." Joseph said shaking his head.
"Sounds great I'm down." Rianna said, grinning ear to ear.
"I'm planning it. It's gonna be shit ton worse then this."
"Jo I grew up with boys I like getting dirty." I said rolling my eyes. Joseph rolled his eyes.
"OHH." Rianna coughed obnoxiously.
I punched her and rolled my eyes.
"Ok get in position!" I said with a grin as I held my eye to the camera. I was smart enough to make all those weirdos promise me a photo shoot.
I took crazy, aesthetic, and just plain stupid pictures with their flower crowns. But no matter how stupid they looked, they still looked beautiful. Because they were genuinely laughing and smiling.
After about forty five minutes, we decided to go back inside.
It was about 3:30 by then, so we decided to play some games before settling down for a movie.
"Spin the bottle biotchos!" Alysa yelled, coming out of the kitchen holding a bottle in the air.
"Oh God. Lets do it!" Rianna said, pumping her fist.
"Ok someone start—"
"ME." Rianna launches forward and spun the bottle violently.
It slowly landed on Sophia. "Truth or dare?" Rianna asked, her eyebrows dancing.
"HA. I dare you to pretend you and the person to your right are a couple for the rest of the game." Rianna said, smirking.
She turned and swore when she saw Nathan and we all bursted out laughing.
"Ok babe let's do this." Sophia said, sighing and holding out her hand.
"NO DONT—JUST NO." Nathan shrieked with wide terrified eyes, jumping back.
"It's just a game and Im not gonna lose." Sophia said.
"Ok Sophia spin." Alysa said.
It landed on me and she looked at me as my eyes widened. She smirked a little and looked around. "Dare..." I said.
"Uhhhh...every time the bottle lands on you you have to take of a piece of clothing." Sophia said giggling.
I groaned and threw my head back. I reached up and pulled my sweatshirt over my head.
"OH SHES A STRIPPER SHIT." Rianna shouted. I threw my sweatshirt at her while everyone OOOOOOOO, and Caleb threw a dollar at me. I punched him and sat back down.
I spun the bottle and it landed on Joseph. I grinned and tapped on my chin. "Truth." He said.
"Out of everyone here, who would you sleep with?" I asked leaning back.
"That couch." He said nudging his head at the couch.
"A person, stupid."
"Fine I'd sleep with anyone except Rianna."
"THANK YOU." Rianna yelled.
"Just because you scare the shit out of me, and I don't exactly think your boyfriend would appreciate that." He said.
"Well that's great be cause your gross, you man whore." She replied, turning up her nose.
Jo rolled his eyes and spun the bottle, with it landing on Alysa.
She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Fine. Dare."
"OH DAMN HOTPOCKETS GETTING BRAVE." Sophia cheered clapping her hands.
"Do you ever shut up..." Nathan muttered tiredly.
   "Not now honey." Sophia said shooing him.
   He gagged and rolled his eyes and Sophia snapped her head in his direction.
"You know you really are the worst boyfriend ever, babe. You don't even hold my hand anymore, and you're kind of an asshole." she fake ranted.
I laughed as Nathan buried his face in his hands.
"Ok, ok. Everyone stay seated but line up in a straight line against the wall. Alysa you'll be blindfolded and we'll all mix it up so you don't cheat. You need to walk forward with your arms held out and the first person you touch, you have to kiss."
   "Oh this is my hell..." She mumbled as Jo tied a black clothe around her eyes. "Let's do it."
   She waddled forward on her knees slowly and we kept on shoving each other forward and trying not to laugh. When she got close and we got back in order, it looked like she was going in the direction for Jo and I snickered.
   "Well that back fired on you huh." I whispered, smirking.
   He death stared me and I stuck my tongue at him before he dive bombed out of Alysas way.
   She groped around on both sides and accidentally touched Nathan and Rianna at the same time.
   "OH GOD THIS IS AMAZING." I gasped, laughing on the floor.
   "I don't wanna kiss him!" She whined when she pulled off the mask.
   "Just do it quickly." Caleb said laughing. I watched his expressions and posture. It was good to see he seemed to over Alysa, for both their sakes.
    After more resistance she finally caved and pecked them both on the cheek and ran to the kitchen to obnoxiously gargle water.
    "Oh yeah that was so arousing." Joseph cringed.
    "EWWW. NATHAN SLAP HIM." I yelled, covering my ears.
    "I can't do anything right for you apparently!"
    "OK ALYSA IM SPINNING FOR YOU." Caleb yelled. He spun and it landed on me.
    "Son of a bitch!" I took off my white button down and only had a spaghetti tank top and an Aerie bra left, all the while everyone whistled and teased.
     "Alysa give me a dare!"
     "This is a spinner." She said placing one of those twister spinners on the floor.
     "This is a chair." I said sarcastically, slapping the barstool next to me. She ignored my comment and continued.
     "I'll spin it. Whoever it lands on, you have to lick their neck...slowly." She said winking and smirking while everyone laughed.
     I sucked the air between my teeth and Alysa flicked the spinner.
     It landed on Tyler but he kicked it and it pointed to Nathan.
     "That's cheating you douche!" I yelled.
     "DO IT, DO IT, DO IT."
     "Yeah we're all friends here just do it."
     "Nothing you haven't already done too." Alysa said shrugging.
     "WHAT." Rianna screeched, spewing her water everywhere.
     "What happens in the band room stays in the band room."
     "Dont I get a fucking say in this?" Nathan asked miserably.
     "NO." Everyone replied at once.
     I crawled over to his side and Rianna threw some salt at his neck and I held my arms up questioningly. She shrugged and I rolled my eyes.
     "I'm very sorry."
     I did it as...non-seductively as I could and rolled into a ball as Rianna patted my head.
     I honestly would've thought a cow was dying if I didn't know what my friends sounded like. Seriously, I thought Sophia was having an asthma attack.
"NATHAN IM BREAKING UP WITH YOU." Sophia shouted, still laughing.
     "OK I THINK THAT WRAPS IT UP IM ORDERING FOOD. SOMEONE SET UP THE MOVIE." I shouted over everyone's screeches and wheezing.
"It's not even that funny Jo!" I shouted from the kitchen. Which only made him laugh harder.
     After a while, everyone calmed down and we eventually all got on the couches with our Mexican food and Spider Man movie.
      We shared jokes all night until we eventually fell asleep after the long day.

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