Changes (NOT A CHAPTER!)

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Hiii! (For old readers)
As I promised, I did make many changes to the story so here's a current list of them. Ill go into more detail soon! :)

•Kelsie, Izzy, and Azlyn have been taken completely out of the story.
•The universities everyone will be attending have been changed (I'll say what exactly later on).
•The chapter where Alysa is in the hospital after a seizure, has been completely taken out
•The chapter where Ashlyn gets hurt at the beach will be changed, so only her arm is slightly fractured, and she has a minor concussion, so it doesn't slow down the book and it's more realistic.
•I completely took out the part in chapter 23 where Nathan's sister gets in an accident and goes home.
•Some of you are asking about Nathan and Ashlyn, and I realized I never really answered that in the story either, so the question "will anything ever happen with Nathan and Ashlyn?", is answered in chapter 29 :).
•The bar fight from chapter 26-27 is changed.
•Caleb did not leave early

Because there are so many chapters, it will take time for me to actually get through all of it and make the changes, so I apologize if anyone gets confused. Ill put up another notice saying when all the changes have actually been made, and if you want you can reread if. If not that's fine. :) Just please bare with me🥺

-Ash <3

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