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    "What?" I said. Oh no no no no. I hope Nathan wouldn't get the wrong idea and think I'm just hooking up with some guy right away.
Nathan blinked and looked at me. "No you just looked upset and I wanted to make sure everything was ok." He said, the air getting kind of tense. Neither of them really knew about the other. It was obvious Noah had a crush on me, but I wasn't gonna do anything about it. And me and Nathan had JUST kinda ended things...I didn't want him to think I was just jumping at an opportunity.
Noah ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat. Oh god I didn't want any drama. "Um, sorry for my bluntness but is something going on...?" Noah said clearing his throat and whispering to me awkwardly.
"Why are you guys being so weird?" I said, chuckling, ignoring Noah's question.
They shrugged, mumbling, and walked off toward the game. I sighed and shook my head.
I turned around and crossed my arms, focusing back on the chicken fight between Caleb and Sophia, and Alysa and Jayden. I laughed when Alysa did some weird, stupid, karate bird thing.
Sophia squinted her eyes and held her hands up.
"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT." She exclaimed.
"SHUUUUSSSSH." Alysa whined, laughing uncontrollably.
I rolled my eyes and grinned when Sophia did her wheezing cough, laugh thing, momentarily distracting her so Alysa was able to push her.
"UUUGGGHHH MY ASS." Sophia bellowed, falling in the water.
I laughed with everyone else and wadded into the water and splashed Caleb in the face. He glared and shoved his hand in my face, pushing me backwards.
      I came up from the water, shoved my hair out of my face, and pushed forward on the water with full force and sent a semi small wave of water to him. At least for his height.
I rolled my eyes and turned around, lazily shooing a hand over my shoulder.
"Uh hey babe." Rianna said, chuckling while the others snickered, before reeling her arm back, and slapping his ass hard.
Tyler looked at her with wide eyes and for a second, so did I because I forgot about the tattoo we secretly wrote on his back.
     "H-hey love-" he sputtered out.
I snorted a laugh as Tyler glanced around at us.
    "Can I have some of that CAKE too." Nathan said sarcastically, slapping his ass too.
"DUDE...shut the fuck up-" Tyler said shortly.
     Nathan didn't even respond. He just broke into a fit of laughter, and everyone roared out too.
     Me and Rianna looked at each other with tears in our eyes and I winked, causing her to laugh harder.
     I ran up to our stuff and picked through all the clothes until I unearthed my phone. Clicking the button, the screen lit up and the time read 5:24.
     "Come on dumdums!" I shouted out to the group. They ran up and grabbed towels and dried off.
     "What're you thinkin Ash?" Nathan asked ruffling his hair with a towel. 
     I smirked. "I'm thinking all kinds of things. First we need to stop at the store."

    "Ok ok let's see..." I said, biting my lip and thinking. Nathan was pushing the cart while Sophia sat in it. I ran through the list we'd need in my head.
"Marshmallows..." I said walking to the baking aisle.
"A lot of whipped cream."
With every thing that I said, everyone looked at me with wide eyes. Except Rianna, who just looked way too excited and...insane.
Alysa came back and threw the whipped cream at Sophia in the cart. She hissed and for a moment I thought she was going to open the container.
After I named all the things we needed and got in line, I couldn't find Rianna and Tyler so I jogged off to find them.
Of course, I rounded the corner of the third aisle and found them having a sword fight with pool noodles they found god knows where.
"Oh good lord. Let's go you idiots." I said tiredly. They dropped the noodles and Rianna ran past me to the exit.

"Ok now!" I announced, dumping all the bags onto the kitchen island. "Tonight let's start with a little marshmallow stuffing contest." I said, holding up ten jumbo bags with a smirk.
Rianna's eyes widened. "Where...where are we stuffing the marshmallows ...?" She asked dead serious.
"Your mouth you idiot." I said rolling my eyes while everyone snickered.
My phone started ringing and I pulled it out of my back pocket, checking the caller ID.
"Um...I have to take this I'll be right back." I said walking quickly to the next room.
I swiped right and held the phone to my ear.
"You better have a good explanation you asshole. Get your sorry ass back here." I snapped.
"Hello to you too." Jo replied. I think I actually heard his eyes roll.
"Come back to the house."
"I will. Soon."
"When is soon?" I snapped.
"Soon is soon. I'm just letting you know that I'm alive and not to worry." And with that the line went dead.
"Little asshole hung up on me." I muttered to myself.
I sighed and walked back through the hallway. I watched everyone playing around and laughing and joking.
I didn't want to see this drama that upset my friend, to ruin everything. Not tonight.
Sometimes, I feel like life is just trauma, and drama, in between was all the laughs, smiles, and good times. At least my life.
And some of my only conveniences were my first true friends. Right before my eyes.
I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, took a breath and walked up. "Ok let's do this." I shouted over the chatter, grabbing a bag and ripping it open.
"You and me. You and me." Alysa said pointing between us and grabbing herself a bag too.
"Ok three, two, one!" Tyler said.
We started stuffing marshmallows and I felt like a complete idiot, and I was having a hard time keeping up, trying not to laugh.
When I could no longer fit any more, I tapped out, and Alysa won, with 13 giant marshmallows somehow stuffed in her mouth, and I only had 7.
I wiped the tears from my eyes and swallowed the mellows. "I don't have a big mouth." I said holding my hands up.
"Uh, some would beg to differ." Caleb replied sarcastically.
"Lot of talk from someone with a brain full of air."
I heard everyone around us shouting 'OOOOOO' after pretty much everything we said.
"Pfttt. What brain?"
"The same one that chose that haircut."
"OH SHIT." Rianna screamed out of nowhere, above all the laughter and velociraptor screeching.
"Ok I sayyyy...Rianna and Tyler next."
"OH YOUR GOING DOWN BITCH." Rianna screamed jumping up threateningly.
"Someones not gettin any tonight." Nathan said snickering.
"That makes two of you." I replied, not tearing my eyes from the game that was about to start.
"DAMN GIRL CALM DOWN." Rianna said laughing, while Sophia just hung onto my shoulders while she laughed.
"Three, two, ONE!" Alysa called.
And the chaos began.
Rianna started just pretty much grabbing three at a time and quickly shoved them in her mouth. She tried smacking the bag upwards out of Tyler's hands and covering his mouth but he pushed her off, laughing.
Rianna sure was many things, but in my opinion, one of her best qualities, she was not a loser.
And so naturally, she won, way over stuffing her mouth. She spat them all out and jumped, pumping her fists into the air, cheering wildly.
"Wait wait, how much did you get in?" Alysa asked.
And then everyone busted out laughing.
"Well come on in my defense...she's had a lot of practice." Tyler said running a hand through his hair, and winking at her. She whipped her head at him and grinned.
    Sophia screeched, stood up, and covered her ears. "INAPPROPRIATE!" She screamed, slapping Tyler, and we all lost it at that point.

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