Be careful of the storm called Torm

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Thefangirlheart A/n: Does the title even make sense? Well, heyo my Kolas its me again! Gotta sleep in a bit so short chapter, but I promise long one on the weekend... Maybe?

ALSO! Respecting all who have died today, Rest in peace :(



~The next day~

Torm's P.O.V

I have to go back to school today, "Momma please!!! I don't wanna go!!!" I said, "Torm enough is enough, you need to go to daycare school." Momma said sternly, And a little bit more quiet, "Please!!!!" I said "Torm! Please knock it off! This tantrum has been going on for five minutes! You normally love school, Why aren't you-.... You don't wanna see Medd don't you." Momma said "Yes." I said, acting gulty, "Pwease don't make me go to school!" I said as cute as possible with puppy eyes (Is that possible with Black eyes?... I take that back.)

Momma sighed, "Torm I was a cold-hearted leader before so the Puppy eyes don't work on me." Momma said, "Awwh!" I said, Momma picked me up and I gave up.

I stayed quiet the whole ride, I am too sad to talk.

~At school~

I hugged Momma, As long as possible, "Torm, honey I love you... But I gotta go home!" He said, "Oh... Ok" I said, walking away, acting sad so he stayed, I was wrong, Momma bolted out "MOMMA!" I said, running after him, "IM SORRY HONEY!" I heard him yell, I fell, But he didn't see me, he got outside and into the car and drove away

I stayed on the ground, Crying, Nobody to help, My leg also hurt a lot.... Until I heard the voice I never wanted to hear again... Medd "Torm you ok? Me and Emily saw you fall..." I stopped listening, 'Oh Emily this Emily that, why don't you just like her like my momma and papa do!'

But I listened when I heard "Emily wanted me to see if you were ok." She did? Oh... "Oh..." I said, "And Is Emily your... like?" I said, "Crush is the word and... We are more than that, Sorry Torm." Medd said, "More than what?" I said, "We aren't best friends, we like eachother like my Mom and Dad..." Medd said, I looked down, I looked at me....

"Leave me alone." I worded out in a whisper, "What?" Medd said "Go away." I said looking up, My eyes were forming tears and I wanted out, I sat up and looked at the window, "As you wish." Medd said, walking away, Whispering and giggling with Emily, "Kids Lunch time!" Mrs. Applegate (If I got that wrong correct me and tell me I'm an idiot, Well don't call me and idiot, I already know I am.) Said, Yay! Food!! I love food (Me in a nutshell), I ran up to my backpack and moved away everything, Until I got to my lunch box, I opened it up and saw a note, I can't read, So I ran over to Mrs. Applegate, "Mrs. Applegate, Can you read this?" I asked

"*ahem* It says: Torm, I packed you your lunch, Not your Mom or Dad, Me Medd. Love Medd." She said, "WHAT!?" I yelled aloud, Everyone looked at me, I covered my mouth and started tearing, up "Sorry.." I said, Making sure no tears fell, Momma yelled at me for that already, I don't want Mrs. Applegate to aswell "Its fine Torm, but don't do that again.. Now go have your lunch." Mrs. Applegate said mushing the paper, "Wait!" I said Mrs. Applegate stopped mushing the paper, "I wanna keep that." I said, She handed me the paper then walked away to the other kids, I put the paper closer to my heart and skipped to my lunch box, I put the note in my backpack and grabbed my lunch box, "Yay! Food!" I said, completely forgetting that Medd had packed my lunch, I looked inside and saw a Jelly sandwich, and a Apple on another side, I found a Grape juice box too, Yay! This is a great lunch!

Tord's P.O.V

I am starting to worry, Ever since that Child services note I haven't tried to raise my voice, Tom also (Somehow) doesn't drink, Even though I'd expect him to drink more...

I walked up and down the stairs, "Come on Tord! Think!! Why would the neighbors do this!" I said to myself "BECAUASE THEY ARE ALL BUNCHES OF ASSHOLES!" Tom yelled from our bathroom, I was about to step until I tripped over a football (Not American football, almost did that.), *BANG* "TORD HONEY YOU OK?!" Tom yelled running out, "IM FINE, JUST REALLY FUCKING HATE MY LIFE!" I said on the ground face first, I slightly looked up but saw a naked Tom in front of me, I blushed very hard, "Ya know Torm isn't home, the girls are babies, And you're really stressed.." Tom said "Sure." I said "Ok, Good... Be right back!" Tom said

Thefangirlheart A/n: Ok I don't do great smut... But I don't want to make Isabella write so I' go

And I guess I'm taking over


        It's time to go home but mama and papa haven't come to pick me up. Mrs.Applegate tried calling them but they wouldn't answer...mama is probably so mad about my fit this morning that they forgot about me...Medd's parents took me home. I stayed quiet.

     Mr.Edd let me out of the car and I went inside. I saw a lump on the couch with a blanket on top. I looked over and saw mama and papa "cuddling". Tears started going down my face.

"Torm?! Why are u here?! Ur supposed to be at school!" Mama yelled.


"Torm!! You do not raise your voice at us!!" Papa growled at me. I ran upstairs to my room.

Imma continue in da next chapter~Isabella

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