Child Services

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My poor baby just had his first heartbreak. I took him to Wendy's and got him a flurry and rented a movie at a redbox. We went home I saw Tom at the kitchen table, head in hands.

"Torm, go get comfy in my bed. i'll be up in just a moment.'' I went to the kitchen and stood behind tom, massaging his shoulders.

"What's wrong?"

"I hate our fucking neighbors"

"why? what happened?"

He handed me a piece of paper. It was a note from CHILD SERVICES!?!?!

"Dear Mr. and Mr. Ridgewell,

We have received numerous calls and letter from the Grevil's ((Their neighbors)) about loud screaming, especially a young child's screaming. Rumor has it that there is child or family abuse happening. We have also been told that Thomas Ridgewell has threatened to hurt or even kill the rest of the family. if we receive another call we must take the children away for a week and keep watch on the guardians, if things are to be wrong or lied about, we will have every right to take the children and put them for adoption.

Thank you,

Child Services" I read aloud. I cannot believe this. I was threatened to have my babies taken away.. forever. And tom has never threatened to kill anyone! This can't be happening. I broke into tears. I felt my husbands fingers interlock with mine. It didn't help much but I adored how he tries to show me that it'll be alright. I wipe my tears. If Torm sees me cry, then he worries and I don't want that. Still connected to tom by hands, I walk upstairs to our bedroom.

Torm was on our bed, his eye red and puffy as he slowly ate his frozen treat. Tom released my hand and went to the bed. He whispered reassuring words to Torm. I had texted tom when we stopped at the redbox and told him what had happened to Torm.

I put the movie in the dvd player and climbed in bed on the other side of torm. We did our best at pretending that nothing is threatening our family, but on the inside, I was panicking.

I got realllllly bored ~isabella

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