chapter 19

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Maddy's POV

We ran as fast as we could to the zords, and we all climbed into our individual zord, I'm not going to lie, these zords were bad-ass. I personally think it's so cool that my zord happens to be my favorite dinosaur, the spinosaurus. (pretend it's white, not gold)

As soon as I sat down, a cord shot out and connected the back of my suit, and locked me into the seat, I felt the power of the zord course through me like a rush, the zord and I became one, like Zordon said we would

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As soon as I sat down, a cord shot out and connected the back of my suit, and locked me into the seat, I felt the power of the zord course through me like a rush, the zord and I became one, like Zordon said we would. Two controls shot out into our hands, Billy hollered in excitement, "yippee-kay-yay, motherfuc...", then paused, "mother is good, mother's good" Billy said, I chuckled at his silliness, "Billy! We're Power Rangers now, I think you've earned the right to cuss" I joked with him, everyone laughed. "Go! Go! Power Rangers!" Alpha 5 shouted at us below, we busted through the rock wall, and directed our zords towards Angel Grove, our Zords were absolutely amazing. Jason and I's zords ran in the middle next to one another's, while the others were on either side of us, I'm a little jealous of Kim's zord, it's the only one that flies. We reached Angel Grove in no time, Kim having the best view could see everything better, "guys!" she shouted at us, "our town...she's destroying it" Kim said.

she's destroying it" Kim said

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3rd POV

Down below, Rita walked next to Goldar, who was digging through the ground, destroying the town in the process. People screamed and ran away as fast as they could, powerlines were destroyed, fires had started. Rita and Goldar had created chaos in the center of town, and they still haven't found Krispy Kreme.

Maddy's POV

"Rita and her golden boy haven't found Krispy Kreme yet!" Kim let us know, "okay, Kim, you hold them there! Zack, Billy, you circle the Krispy Kreme and make sure it's safe" Jason commanded, "I'm heading straight for Goldar!" Jason said, Trini joined Kim. I ran my zord beside Jason's, "mind if I join you?" I asked, he smiled and nodded, "I wouldn't have it any other way" he said. As we ran towards Goldar, Kim activated her zords cannon, "surprise" I could hear her say, and pink energy blasts shot out of the cannon and were headed straight for Rita.

 As we ran towards Goldar, Kim activated her zords cannon, "surprise" I could hear her say, and pink energy blasts shot out of the cannon and were headed straight for Rita

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Love Me Until the End//Jason ScottWhere stories live. Discover now