Chapter 1

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"Can you hear me?" A man ask. "She unresponsive."


"What happened to her?" The doctor asks.

"Car crash."

"Her name?"

"We don't know."

"How long has she been out?" He ask when they finally get in the ambulance.

"Few minutes maybe."

"Let's go." He says and they pull off.


"Young lady was in a car crash.. She's been unresponsive for over 10 minutes."

"Oh my God." Megan says.

"You know her?"

"Call Dr. Simmons." Megan says.


"Because he has to take over."

"Who is she?"

"She's my bestfriend.. Her name is Waverly Earp."

"Earp? As in Wyatt Earp?"


"Get her to the O.R.. I'll call her mom."

"I'm coming with her." Megan says.

"Ahh!!" I say.

"Waverly.. Can you hear me?"

"Where?? Where am I?.. I can't.. I can't feel my legs.. I CAN'T FEEL MY FUCKING LEGS!!" I yell.

"Hey calm down."

"Megan I can't feel my.. (Crying) I can't my legs.. I.. I'm.. (Gasps)." All of a sudden I feel myself drifting away.

"Get her upstairs now." Megan yells.


"What's happening?"

"You're going to go to sleep now.. Okay?"

"Wait.. What happened? Who are you?"

"You was in a car accident.. It's me Megan.. Remember?"

"Where am I?"

"The hospital."

"No.. Let me go." I say getting up.

"Waverly stop."

"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Waverly it's me.. You're best friend."

"My best friend moved away when.. I'm.." I'm drifting off again..

"You fix her." Megan tells the doctor.

Hours Later...

"Where is my daughter?" I hear my mom yell.


"Move." My mom says and I hear a loud boom.. As if someone fail.

"Mom?" I say when she walks through the door.

"Waverly.. (Crying) Baby.."

"Mom don't cry I'm.. Wait?" I say.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"I.. I can't feel my legs." I say.

"Wynonna get a doctor now!" My mom yells.

"(Crying) Mom.. What's happening to me?"

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