Chapter 16

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"WAVERLY!" Nicole yells.. "What's wrong with her."

"I don't know she was fine."

"Then fix it."

Baby Crying

"Shhhhh.. It's okay sweetie.. Mommy is going to be okay.." Nicole says picking up the baby.

"She's crashing.. Why in the hell is she crashing."

"Wait her heart stopped?" Nicole asked.

"Yes, but.."

"BUT WHAT!" Nicole yells.

"She's back."

"She's what?"

"Waverly you okay?" The doctor asks.

"I'm fine what... What happened?"

"Your heart stopped baby." Nicole says crying.

"Hey.. I'm okay Nicole."

"No.. Your heart stopped.. You wasn't breathing."

"I am now."

"Damn it woman.. I swear if you leave me.."

"(Laughs) Calm down Officer Haught."

"I'm calm baby." She leans in and kisses me.

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course you can baby."

"Waverly you need rest." The doctor says.

"I'm not sleepy." I say looking at my beautiful daughter.. "Her eyes are like yours." I say not realizing what I was says.

"I know they are " Nicole says.

"Your body needs rest.. You just went through 15 hours of labor."

"She's right baby." Nicole says.

"Who's side are you on Nicole Haught?" I ask.

"Whatever keeps you alive and well."

"Thank You baby."

"You're welcome.. Now go to sleep." She says with a kiss on my lips.

"Fine." I say before kissing my daughter's forehead and handing her to Nicole and I was off to sleep in no time.

Month Later

"Okay Waverly you are doing good.. You are healing quick and that's good."

"So when can the sex start?" Nicole asks.

"Baby?" I say looking at her. "Doctor don't pay no attention to her she's.. Don't pay her no attention."

"No sex for a few more weeks."

"I'm sorry I think you I may have heard you wrong.. Did you say a few weeks?"

"Yes I did Sheriff Haught... Good night you two have a wonderful night." She says and leaves the room.

"I'm going to die." Nicole says.

"Baby you are not going to die."

"I need release.. I need you."

"You have me baby.. It's almost 6:30 what's for dinner?" I ask.

"I don't know what it is you want, but I was planning on having you on my dinner plate." I says kissing my neck.

"Down officer."

"Mmmmm.. It's not fair."

"Trust me.. It will be worth the wait."

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