Chapter 22

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"Good morning." Kim says.

"Good.. Good morning."

"How did you sleep?"

"Good.. And you?"

"I slept just fine." She says handing me some coffee.

"Sorry, but I don't drink coffee.. I prefer warm tea."

"I know.. Here you go." She says with a smile.

"Thank you."

"So what time is Bella getting dropped off?"

"Around 10.."

"Oh well it's 10:15 now."

"Oh.. She's be here soon so I'll just.."

Knock Knock

"Speaking of."

"You got it?" Kim asks.

"Yes.. I got it."

"Waverly you woke?" My mom asks.

"Yes mom.. Of course I am."

"Took you long enough I was just about to go and.. Kim?" My mom says.

"Hello Mrs. Earp."

"You and Kim? Really?"

"Mom please.. Not now?"

"Maybe I should have left." Kim says.

"Does Nicole know about this?" My mom says when she gets back from Bella's room.

"Yeah.. I wasn't asking you." She then pulls me by the arm.

"Mom!" I yell.

"Waverly what are you doing?" She asks me once we are on my room.


"Nicole will die if she knew you were sleeping around with Kim."

"Mom.. We're.. We're not having sex."

"I know what a bed looks like after sex and next time use the ice when it's completely frozen."


"What? I like ice too."

"Too much information.. You may leave now."

"Nicole is here!" Kim yells.

"Okay coming.. Bye mom." I say and she walks out the front door.

"Waverly hey I was.. Never mind." She says once she sees Kim.

"Good morning to you too Office Haught."

"Kim don't."

"Don't what baby?" Damn it.. She called me baby.

"Nicole Bella was sleeping when .y mom brought her over she might be hungry.. And I packed her some clothes last night after I.. (Clear throat) never mind.. I packed her a bag for you."

"She don't need it.. I have everything she needs at my house."

"Your house?"

"Yes.. I bought it, yesterday morning.. And had everything put in yesterday afternoon."

"Sounds good." Kim says.

"(Laughs) Where's my daughter?" Nicole asks.

"What's funny?" Kim asks..

"You." Nicole responds.

"Something you want to say to me?"

"Waverly I'll bring her back tomorrow night."

"Oh so now you're not talking." Kim says.

"Okay Nicole.. I'll be here." I say before I go get Bella.

"So it's true.. That is the only way to get your attention.. Is if I say something about Waverly."

"Excuse me?"

"There she is."

"Do you have a death with or something?"

"Do you?"

"(Laughs) Watch you mouth Kim.. Careful what you say."

"You too."

"I'm not doing this with you."

"How about I tell you about last night."

"Kim I'm warning you.. Go back to whatever hole you came out of.. And leave me alone."

"How about I continue to fuck your bitch and leave her wanting more... Better yet how about I make you listen while I fuck your bitch?? You know.. Listen to her moan as I make her beg for it."

"Say something else like that again and I'll shot you.. You got it?" Nicole says.

"Nicole?" I whisper.

Baby Crying

"Shhhhhh.. I got you." Nicole says as she reaches for Bella.

"What the hell are you too doing?" I ask.

"She's crazy." Kim says.

"I sure am." Nicole smiles.

"I'm going to go." Kim says.

"Okay thank you for... (Gasps)." I was cut off by her kissing me.

"No need to thank me." She says and walks out the door..

"Nicole I'm.."

"Don't sweat it.. (Sniffs)."

"Are you crying?" I asked her.

"(Clear throat) Call you later on before I put her too bed."

"Nicole I'm.. I'm sorry."

"Me too." She says before she closes the door.

The Next Day

"Waverly did you really have sex with Kim the other night?" Wynonna asks me.

"Wynonna I'm.. Wait how do you know about that?"

"So it's true?"

"Fine.. Yes."

"She's telling everyone how she stole your from Nicole and that you are good in bed and that Nicole is a fool for letting a piece of ass like you go."

"She said what?"

"Yeah.. And I had to shoot her."


"I used a shock gun."


"Good thing Nicole wasn't there.. She would have shot her for real."


"Waverly what are you doing?? With Kim?"

"Having fun."

"By hurting Nicole.. You call that fun?"

"Wynonna don't start."

"No Waverly because you and Nicole always do this.. And you go off and get into these relationships and then go back to her."

"We're.done this time."

"No you're not."

"So you're telling me that you wouldn't get mad if you saw her with someone else?"


"Fine.. Well turn around so we can go." She says and I turn around to find Nicole kissing Lisa.. Her old girlfriend from Jr High School.. She was the last girl Nicole dated before me. "You okay Waverly."

"Fine.. Just fine.. Let's go."


"You said that just so I would turn around."

"I did."

"You're a Bitch for that."

"No.. I wanted you to see how it felt to be toyed with."


"I'm taking you home.. Nicole is about to bring Bella."


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