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"Excuse me?" I said looking at Nicole.

"You're pregnant."

"(Laughs) No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Nicole I'm.."

"YES!!! You are." She yells.

"How did you.. How.."

"How did I find out?"


"Your weight changed."

"So you think I'm fat?"

"I didn't say that."

"Well that's what it sounded like."

"Look.. You've been sick and gaining weight.. Your hormones are all over the place.. And you keep throwing up.. So I got you tested."

"And how did you do that?"

"I'm a cop." She whispers.

"Nicole you're... Oh I get it.. This is a joke and you're fucking with me."

"Waverly you're pregnant end of story."

"Fine.. Yes I'm pregnant."

"You knew about this?"

"Yes.. Well I had a feeling."

"And you let me fuck you.. What the fuck Waverly?"

"Don't curse at me."


"Nicole it's okay.. I'm fine.."

"How did this happen I... Shit!" She whispers.

"Sex is how this happened.. And we do have that sometimes... Well all the time."

"I should have used protection.. Fuck!!! How could I be so reckless."

"Nicole calm down." I say.

"Damn it." She punches the wall and throws her gun across the room.

"Nicole don't worry about it.. It's not even your baby."

"Yes it is."

"Nicole.. This is Nick's baby."

"(Laughs) No it's not."

"How do you know?"

"Answer this.. How long have you been staying here.. With me?"

"Three months.. Almost Four."

"You're 7 seven and a half weeks."

"That's almost Two months."

"Go to bed Waverly.. You need rest."

"Whatever.. I'm leaving."

"No you're not.. You are going to bed."

"You're not the boss of me.. I'm leaving.." I say walking toward the door and she picks me up.

"I said no."

"(Laughs) Nicole put me down."

"I will.. Once I get to my bed."

"Your bed?"

"Yes.. You're sleeping with me tonight.." She says and she lays me down on her bed.

"My bed is fine thank you."

"Lay down."

"Excuse me?" I say smiling.

"You're so beautiful... Now lay down."

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