Chapter 17

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"(Panting) Nicole baby?"

"Mmmm.. Yes?"

"We need to rest."

"I'm not tired." She says followed by a soft kiss down my neck.

"(Moans) Me neither but Bella is coming home soon and we need to be well rested when she gets her."

"My princess is coming home isn't she?"

"Yes babe.. And we need to get up."

"I've been up for the last past 8 hours."

"I'm not talking about that."

"I know baby.. I just can't get enough of you.. All of you.. Your beauty.. Your kisses.. You're wet ¶us$¥.."

"Nicole stop it."

"Stop what?"

"Talking like that.. You know what it does to me.. Stop it."

"Maybe you could do something to make me stop talking."

"No.. No more kisses, no more sex.. No more nothing.. We're getting up."


"What?" I ask.

"That hurt my feelings but I'm only getting up because I want to see my princess."


"We're not talking anymore today."

"Nicole baby I.."


Knock Knock

"Come in." I yell.

"Bella has entered the building." Wynonna says.

"Hey baby girl." I say.

"Where's Nicole?"

"Talking a cold shower." I say and Wynonna laughs.

"Haha very funny." Nicole says.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too Waverly Earp."

"I can take her for another day you guys." Wynonna says.

"No.. You have keep her all weekend."

"Today is Saturday.. I can bring her back in the morning."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes.. I know you two need some ugh.. Ugh.."

"Rest." I say.

"Yeah.. Rest."

"Come on my Bella.. The kids would love to have you back." Wynonna says as she walks over to Nicole who is now holding Bella.

"Are sure you're okay with taking her."

"Yes.. I only brought her back because you two wouldn't stop calling."

"Fine.. Bye my little princess."

"Bye baby.. I love you." I say kissing her forehead.

"Have fun you two." Wynonna says before she shuts the door.

"Soooooo.. I was.."

"I'm going to bed.. I need a nap." Nicole says.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes.. I am."

"Fine.. I'm leaving."

"Bull shit." Nicole says.

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