Chapter 12

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Lately I've been feeling sick and throwing up early in the morning.. Like really early..

"Ahh!! Damn it!" I yell.

Knock Knock

"Waverly you okay?" Nicole asks.

"Ugh yeah.. Yeah I'm fine."

"Open the door."

"Nicole I'm fine."

"Waverly open the door.. Or I will."

"Nicole I.."


"What the hell." I yell.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you throwing up?"

"Yes.. I think I might have ate some bad sushi."

"Oh yeah."

"Yeah.. But I'm okay.. Go back to bed."

"I will.. Once you feel better."

"Well that's going to be later on tonight."

"Then I'll sleep later on tonight." She says helping me up.

"I want to shower." I say.

"Okay.." She says reaching over to turn on the shower.

"You can leave."

"And if I don't?"

"You will."

"And if I don't?"

"Nicole please."

"Can I at least watch?"

"(Gasps) Nicole?!!"

"A girl can dream."

"You want to watch me?"

"Yes please."

"Okay.. But don't say I didn't warn you."

"About what?" She asks with a smile.

"Sit down." I say and she sit.

"Yes ma'am."

"Before you sit.. Come here please."

"What's wrong."

"Undress me." I whisper.

"Mmmmm.. You don't have to tell me twice." She then rip my gown off..

"Thank you so much for tearing up my night clothes."

"Damn baby.. And you are more than welcome." She says reaching up to touch my boobs.

"Ah.. No ma'am.. No touching.. You may sit."

"What now."

"Well you said you wanted to watch.. So watch." I say and I get in the shower.. I can tell she's turned on by this, and part of me knows that she wants more and part of me doesn't care, because she hurt me.. Looking deep into her eyes, I trailer my hands down my body.. Touching and feeling all over my self.. Once her eyes shifted form mine.. I then started to tease myself.. Rubbing small circles around my clit.. "(Moans) I'm so wet right now."

"Waverly don't do that."

"Do what?? This?" I ask, as I force two of my fingers inside of my now wet ¶u$$¥.

"Waverly I.." She says getting up from the sink she was sitting on.

"(Moans) Oh no you don't.. Sit back down." I order her..

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