Chapter 23

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7 Years Later

Sorry everyone but I'm moving it up...

"Mommy!" I hear Bella yell.

"Yes baby?"

"When is mom coming?"

"Nicole will be here soon."

"Here Bella." Kim hands Bella her jacket.


"You're welcome kid."

"Wynonna are you ready yet?"

"Yes.. I'm coming."

"She always take a long time." Dolls says.

"I heard that?" Wynonna says.

"Yeah.. I lobe you too babe."

"Yeah yeah."

"So is everyone ready?" My mom asks.

"Yes.. We are waiting on my mom." Bella says.

"No need baby.. I'm right here." Nicole says.

"Hey ugh.. Hey Nicole."

"Hey Waverly."

"Nicole?" Kim says.

"Kim?" Nicole says.

"We are not doing this.. We are going to have fun on this trip."

"Yes.. Of course." Nicole says.

"Can me and my mom ride together?" Bella asks.

"Of course you can." I say.

"You too mommy.. Just the three of us."

"Baby I don't you mommy.."

"Yes baby.. Of course we can." I say.

"8 hours.. Alone?" Kim says.

"Are you worried about something?" Nicole asks.

"No.. Just you."

"Right.. Well it's not like I'm going to take her in front of my child.. I have more sense than that."

"Waverly a word?" Kim says.

"No.. Look.. We are about to leave and we are going to have fun this week.. No drama.. No nothing.. Just fun.. Now everybody load up.. Nicole we're taking you truck.. drive my car.." I say and I walk outside.

"You heard that woman." Nicole says with a smile.

"Waverly you are not playing this the right way." Wynonna says.

"What now Wynonna?"

"You're riding with Nicole."

"What? You think we're going to pull over and have at it?"

"No.. But.."

"No buts.. Let's go.. Now." I say closing the door.

Hours Later

"Bella?" Nicole says but we get no answer.

"She's sleeping." I say.


"Why is that?"

"Because I don't want her to hear what I'm about to say."

"Nicole please don't."

"You don't have to say anything.. Just listen."

"Nicole please.. Let's just.."

"I love you." She says and I'm lost of words.

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