Chapter 21

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"Wow." Heather says.

"What she said." Nicole then smiles at her.

"You okay Waverly?" Alex asks me.
"Fine.. I'm fine... Next."

"Wynonna it's your turn.. Truth or Dare?" Heather says.


"I dare you to... Shit I have nothing."

"I do.. I dare you to kiss Alex." Kim says.

"What the hell." Wynonna says.

"She's had the hots for you since she first saw you."

"But I'm straight.. I'm not into women."

"You don't have to be."

"Fine." Wynonna says walking over to Alex who is now about to pass the fuck out.

"Ugh.. I'm.. I.."

"Just shut up and kiss me Alex." Wynonna says and Alex leap to her feet and plants one on her.

"Okay Alex.. We said kiss, not drown her."

"That was the best kiss I've had."

"You're welcome." Wynonna says.

"Kim your turn.. I dare you to take Waverly to the room next door."

"You didn't ask me truth or dare you just told me a dare."

"Because you never pick truth."

"Okay fine.. And do what in there."

"Whatever you want."

"(Laughs) Whatever I want?"


"Waverly isn't going to say no.. She's enjoying the night with us."

"Right.. Let's go." I say.

"(Sighs)." Nicole is now pissed off.

"Well then." Kim says.

"But wait... You only have 20 minutes."

"All I need is 10." Kim says with a smile.

"Waverly what are you doing?" Wynonna asks me.

"Having fun.. You should do the same."

"You're drunk.. Maybe we should go, before this goes to far."

"I agree." Nicole says.

"You don't get to have a day anymore." I tell Nicole. "Let's go Kim." I say grabbing her by the hand.

"Yes ma'am."

"Shit." Wynonna whisper before I shut the door.

25 Minutes Later

"I thought you said you only needed 10 minutes?"

"And I thought you said I have 20 minutes." Kim says.

"Yeah well you were gone do 25."

"Sorry I couldn't help myself." Kim smiles at me.

"So.. What happened?"

"I don't kiss and tell."

"Sooooo.. Did you just kiss or did you.."

"We had a quickie." I say.. "It was fast but it was hot.. Kim I didn't know you were so good with your mouth."

"I grew up eating without a spoon."

"Damn." Alex says.

"You don't know the half of it." I say and Nicole gets up and walks toward the door.

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