Chapter 4

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"Are you okay?" The doctor ask.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes.. Can I get some rest.. I'm tired."

"Of course you are." He says with a smile.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing.. I'll be back to check on you."

"Thank you." He says and walks out the room.

Later That Night After My Bath

Ring Ring


"Miss me?" Nicole says.

"You should be working."

"And you should be resting."

"I did."


"After you left me high and dry."

"Yeah.. You wasn't high and damn show wasn't dry."

"You got jokes."

"And I wasn't joking."

"Wait why did you call me? It's 11:45pm."

"Damn I can't check on you?"

"Yeah.. And guess what?"


"I had a seizure."

"WHAT!?" She yells.

"It's okay.. I'm fine.."

"I'm on my way." She says and hangs up the phone.

"Shit!" I whisper.

Knock Knock

"Yeah?" I say.

"It's time for your medicine." The nurse says.

"Yeah I.."

"Waverly!" I hear Nicole yell.

"Why is she yelling?"

"WAVERLY!" She yells again.

"Can you go check in that please?" I ask.

"Yeah sure."

"I need to go in there." Nicole says.

"Visiting hours are over."

"Well consider this police business." I hear her say.

"Nicole what are you doing here?" I ask her.

"You okay?"

"I told you I was fine."

"I know how much you can lie."


"So did you.."

"Ma'am?" A doctor say.

"Get out." Nicole says.

"Excuse me ma'am.. But visiting hours are over."

"Yeah.. Get out.. Because visiting hours are over." Nicole responds back.

"Not for me."

"Oh well I'm not leaving soooo.."

"I will call the cops."

"(Laughs) Go ahead."

"What's so funny?"

"Call the cops."

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