Chapter 19

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"Dude the cops will be here soon."

"Shut up Zack.. No one knows we are here."

"Zack." I say as I write down what I hear.

"You shut up.. And don't say my name William."

"Will you two stop fighting like a married couple and help me find it."

"Let's split up.. Zack you go down stairs to the second part of the house.. William you go up stairs and I'll stay in the middle.. We will find it."

"Jake what if it's not here?" Zack asks.

"Oh it's here." He says.. As I'm watching them through the cameras I can tell that they have planned this.

"Well we need to hurry up before the cop makes it back home."

"Oh she's on her way." I whisper to my self.


"Shhhhhh.. Princess it's okay." I whispered to Bella because I know Nicole will come for us.

Nicole's Car

Ring Ring

"(Laughs) Yeah right.. Hello." Wynonna says.

"It's me Wynonna."

"Oh.. Hi Nicole.. What's wrong? Is my sister okay.. Where's Bella?"

"Wynonna where are you?"

"Home with the kids and Doc."

"I need your help."

"Okay.. Whatever you need."

"I need a cop.. A friend.. And most importantly.. I need her sister."

"What's wrong with Waverly?"

"(Crying) Someone is in my house and she's there alone with Bella."


"I was on shift tonight.. And I heard about the hostage situation on my street and I knew it was because of me."

"Nicole what did you do?"

"Meet me at my house.. Right before you reach the gate."

"On my way." Wynonna says before she hangs up.

The House

"Dude maybe it's not here."

"Shut up and keep looking."

"And if we don't find it?"

"We will find it.. Okay."

"Okay and..."

"Yes.. Nicole is here Bella." I say once I see her car in the cameras.


"What is it?"

"The cop is home."

"I thought you said she was working late?"

"Well looks like she came home early.. Distract her.. Tell her we have her family."

"What if she knows we are lying."

"I thought you said she didn't leave the house?"

"I haven't seen her leave but.."

"No buts.. Just do it."


"Oh shit." I whisper.

"Wynonna someone is coming out."


"You're lying." I hear Nicole say.

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