Chapter 11

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"(Moans) Wow.. That was amazing." I say.

"(Panting) Yes you were."

"What time is it?"

"Time for another round." She whispers with a smile.

"Damn Nicole.. How long can you go? I'm wore out."

"And I want you to be sore when you leave here."



"(Laughs) Nicole.. We are not doing this."

"Oh baby.. We already done started."

"Nicole I.."

"Shhhhh.. Are you ready?"

"For what?"

"I would love to show you."

"I bet you would."

"Soooo.. Are you?"

"I'm going to bed."

"Okay.. Lay down then."

"No... My bed." I say.

"(Laughs) Are you afraid?"

"Afraid of what?"

"Of my dick?" She whispers.

"Ugh.. I.. No.."

"You sure?"

"Yes.. Nicole.. I'm sure."

"Prove it." She says walking toward me.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing.. What are you doing?"

"Trying to go to bed." I say looking down at her.. Damn she's big..

"My eyes are up here Waverly."

"Yes.. I.. I'm.. Sorry what did you say?"

"Were you distracted?" She asks.

"(Laughs) No.."

"Sure about that Waves?" She asks and now she has me against the wall.. And I can feel her against my stomach.

"(Moans) Oh my god.. You're.."

"You're so sexy to me.. I never thought someone could be so damn sexy."

"Ugh.. Thank you.." I am once again looking down at her amazingly huge figure.

"Eyes up Waverly." She whispers, but I didn't respond. "Waverly?" She says and I ignore her again. "Like what you see?" She asks.

"No.. What?? No.. I was.. Nothing."

"I wanna fuck you senseless..." She whispers against my lips.

"Me too." I whispered back, and still looking down at her.

"You know you are still looking down there.. Something tells me you want more."

"I do.." I say... And that's when I drop to my knees and take her in my mouth..

"(Gasps) Fuck Waverly.. Mmmmm.. (Groans) Such a naughty little girl." She says.

"Only for you." Taking her in my mouth made me think about the love I had for her.. What she made me feel and what I made her feel.. I love the sound of pleasure coming from her mouth.. Especially if it was me who was making her do it.. Looking into her eyes was amazing.. It's like I could see the love she as for me through her eyes..

"(Moans) I love you Waverly Earp." She says and I get up to kiss her.

"(Moans) Fuck me Officer Haught." I say holding up my wrist.

"Why are you holding up your hands?"

"Handcuff me.. And fuck me."

"I'm not doing that?"

"Please... I need you too."

"And if I can't stop?"

"You will."

"Waverly.. Once I'm inside of you.. There is no going back."

"Just shut up and fuck me, before I change my mind officer."

"Yes ma'am.." She says.. Holding up my hands, she handcuffs me and lays me on my stomach.. "I'm going to make you cum so fucking hard."

"Yes baby."

"You ready?" She asks once she's on top of me.

"Umm hum.. Yes baby." I answer and she enters me slowly from behind.. "(Moans) Fuck.." I whisper.

"You okay?" She asks.

"(Moans) I love the way you fuck me." I whisper..

"And baby, I love fucking you.."

"Harder.." I say.

"Ugh.. No.."

"Nicole fuck me harder."

"Waverly I.."

"Nicole!" I yell and that's when she went in.. She was fucking me like her life depending on it... "(Moans) Yes.. Right there.. Yes Nicole."

"(Panting) You okay?"

"I'm fine.. Keep going."

"(Moans) Shit.. I'm about to cum."

"Cum Nicole.. I want you to."

"I can't.... Mmmm.. Fuck." She says.

"Your dick is so big I love it."

"(Groans) Mmmm.. Stop talking."

"Nicole... I love the way you feel inside of me." I whisper and she pulls my hair back so that my back does a perfect arch.

"Mmmm.. I want you too cum Waverly.. Right now.." She says and speeds up her rhythm."

"Ah!!! Ah!!! Mmmmm.. (Moans) Yes.."

"Cum for me." She whispers against my lips before she bites down on it.

"(Moans) I'm coming.. Ahh!!! Fuck!!! (Panting) I love your dick."

"Mmmm.. And it loves you too Waverly Earp."

"Thank you." I say out of breath.

"(Panting) For what?"

"For helping me."


"Okay.. Good morning by the way."

"Good morning."

"And goodnight.. I'm going to my room.. I need to rest."

"You could rest there."

"Why? So you could fuck me out of my sleep?"

"The thought did cross my mind.."

"I bet it did."


"Yeah.. So I'll see you later."

"Yeah... I guess so." She says in a low tone voice.

"Okay." I say getting up.. "Ah!! Shit." I whisper.

"You okay?" She asks with a smile.. Knowing I'm not okay.

"I'm fine Nicole.. Thank You for asking.."

"Mmmmmm.. Liar, but you're welcome.."

"Yeah.." I say before I shut her door..

Fuck my body is broken.. I think she broke me... But damn that was some good dick.. She knows what she be doing.. Damn Officer Haught... 🆗💯💧

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